Saturday, October 10, 2009

Divorce Care

DivorceCare has thirteen weeks of dynamic video seminars featuring 32 renowned experts on divorce and recovering. Some topics covered are: Facing my Anger, Forgiveness and What's Happening to me? The 13 week series will start Wednesday October 21 from 6:30-9:00pm, the cost is $20.

DivorceCare helps you recover from the pain of separation and divorce. There aren't many people around you who understand the pain your separation or divorce has caused you. That's the reason for DivorceCare. It's a special weekly support group and seminar conducted by people who understand what you are experiencing. Most importantly, you'll learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.

At DivorceCare, you will become part of a small group of people who are also experiencing separation and divorce. You'll meet others who understand wha you are feeling and who will be able to offer you encouragement. You'll have a chance to talk about the information presented during the DivorceCare seminar and hear what others think and feel.

Please feel free to contact Lori Rowley at 727.0543 or any additional information. Register online here >>>