Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Men's Ministry at ACC, Fall Opportunities

Men's ministry at ACC is in full swing for the fall! Just this last weekend, over 40 men gathered together at Laverne Griffin Camp in the Wasilla for an amazing time of deepening personal connections, sharing struggles,and praying for each other (as well as having fun!).

If you're a guy at ACC and you're looking to connect with God and with other guys, you are invited to join with the men on Wednesday mornings at 6am for the Men's Prayer Breakfast. Also, on Wednesday night, October 21st, we kick off the our Men's bible study series "The Quest for Authentic Manhood". It's a well developed study that deals with issues men face and is a balance of teaching, small group discussions, and prayer. If you're not connected, or are looking for a Bible study with other guys, this is a very good thing to consider. We'll be in room 207 from 7-9. Contact Jim Lamson for more information: jimlamson@yahoo.com