Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Haiti Disaster Relief

There are many ways to contribute to disaster relief in Haiti. Well-known organizations like American Red Cross (you can even give using your cell phone), and Christian organizations like Samaritan’s Purse and Compassion are doing good work and can be relied on to use your money responsibly.

The church leadership recommends an organization called Haiti Arise because not only are they using funds for immediate disaster care, they are helping train pastors and church leaders. Haiti needs immediate help, but because of the immense trauma what Haiti needs in the longer term is hope, and the church in Haiti can offer hope in Christ. Another reason for our recommendation is that Haiti Arise is relationally connected to ACC through Ministers Fellowship International. If you would like to give today to Haiti’s relief, please use offering envelopes and place it in the marked slot on the counter under the stairs. Mark your offering HAITI in large letters and we’ll make sure it goes to Haiti Arise. You can also donate online.