Friday, February 19, 2010

"Breaking The Bonds" / "Sex In The City"

The weekend of March 6th and 7th, ACC is happy to invite Marnie Ferree of Bethesda Workshops (Nashville, TN) to host two very special events.

The first is called "Breaking the Bonds" and is an all-day Saturday workshop and training seminar designed for pastors, counselors, ministry leaders, and lay leaders to have a bet
ter understanding of sexual addiction and how to help walk with a person into freedom. The seminar is held at City Church from 9:00a-4:30p on Saturday, March 6th. The cost is $65, and registration will be available on Lunch and childcare will not be provided. CEU's are available from Marnie Ferree.

The second event is called "Sex In The City -
Living As A Christian In A Sex-Crazed Culture." During the presentation, Marnie will be sharing from her personal journey, and provide education and inspiration regarding the issues of sexual addiction and woundedness. This free event is open to the public. Childcare will be available for children up to age 5. "Sex In The City" is also held at Anchorage City Church on Sunday evening at 6:00p, March 7th.

Marnie Ferree will also be speaking during our regular Sunday service times. We would like to encourage people to invite their friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers to either the Sunday services or the "Sex In The City" presentation on Sunday night.