Monday, February 01, 2010

Email Newsletter

Dear City Church Family

Whenever we sit down to put one of these irregular newsletters together, it's always impressive how much there is going on within City Church! We are a definitely a people working hard to extend Christ's Kingdom in Anchorage and around the world. We want to share with you some of the highlights, and some information you will want to know. If you are on Facebook, you can interact with this email on our Facebook page.

Beacon Hill Accepts
its First Families

Anchorage City Church's home for single moms has become a reality with the first families moving in this week! As you may know, this home has come about through a series of amazing connections with "God tracks" all over them, and through the love, financial sacrifice, and hard work of many. It is only a small component of the solution for the homeless problem, but for the families's a big deal. During this past Sunday's service we welcomed Resident Manager Juanita and Case Worker Erica....we are really, really happy to have these two stellar women on the team. You can follow Beacon Hill on Twitter and Facebook for up-to-date information.

City Church News
and Calendar

We regularly update City Church News on the ACC website, You can find the headlines right on the home page, or you can go directly to complete stories on the City Church News blog. Most of these are copies of bulletin items. Whenever possible, we link to the announcement videos just in case you might want to laugh again at the antics of the video team. (For example....the talking Christmas ornaments :) You might also want to know that we update the City Church calendar nearly every day. On it you'll find activities and events extending throughout the year. Click the little triangle icon next to "agenda" to turn off un-necessary calendar layers.

Auditorium Sound Update

As you probably already know, ACC is taking steps to improve the acoustics in our auditorium. The room has always functioned as a multi-purpose room, and, let's face it, gymnasiums don't typically have terrific acoustics.

We are working with a company from Kansas City that has helped many churches across the country achieve good results with their sound during times of worship and singing. In the upcoming weeks, we will be hanging acoustic treatment panels all around the room to cut down on sound reflections and the "harsh" sounds that can be very distracting. This process will take some time, but should provide a substantial difference in the clarity, quality, and volume of the sound in the auditorium. We will also in the next few weeks be receiving an "in ear" monitor system that will allow musicians to hear what is going on without the big stage monitors....which will mean less total sound level in the room. If you would like to be involved in the construction or mounting of the panels, please contact Pastor Aaron Gray at

Remember, in our times of singing, we value heartfelt, expressive singing to God; we want to encourage people to sing from the bottom of their hearts as worship to God. It is our desire that the sound and acoustics of the room be a help, not a hindrance, to that purpose.

Giving 2009

Our church family gave tithes and additional offerings generously in 2009 -- exceeding the budget projection set by the elders early in the year. And 2009 was a difficult economic year for many among us. Your tithes and offerings above and beyond the tithe make possible most of the ministries of the church and missions giving to ministries in Anchorage, in Alaska and around the world.

It is now possible to give online....a convenience for many who prefer to use credit cards to manage their money. The online giving system makes possible regular or one-time giving. You can establish an online account forregular giving on the ACC website.


ALPHA logoIs there more to life? ALPHA helps people investigate the "yes!' of the Christian faith in a friendly, no-pressure environment with family-style meals, lesson and laughter, dessert and discussion. It's perfect for inviting friends and family to learn about Jesus and the Christian faith. ALPHA starts Sunday evening, March 14, and continues Sunday evenings through late May with a retreat weekend. There is no cost, but the ALPHA team suggests donations each week to defray the cost of meals and childcare.

You can read more about the ALPHA course on the web. More information is available at the Welcome / Information desk in the church foyer. You can also register at the counter.

Aid for Haiti Continues

There are many ways to contribute to disaster relief and reconstruction in Haiti. Well-known organizations like American Red Cross (you can even give using your cell phone), and Christian organizations like Samaritan’s Purse, World Relief and Compassion are doinggood work and can be relied on to use your money responsibly.

The church also recommends an organization called Haiti Arise because not only are they using funds for immediate disaster care, they are helping train pastors and church leaders. Haiti needs immediate help, but because of the immense trauma what Haiti also needs in the longer term is hope, and the church in Haiti can offer hope in Christ. Another reason for our recommendation is that Haiti Arise is relationally connected to ACC through Ministers Fellowship International. If you would like to give to Haiti Arise, please use offering envelopes and place them in the slot on the counter under the stairs. Mark your offering HAITI in large letters and we’ll
make sure it goes to Haiti Arise. You can also donate online via

Following Jesus Sermon Series

Since Sunday, January 3rd, we have been hearing a sermon series called "Following Jesus", and this series will continue through February 14. The concept of the series is to speak to our hearts about what it means to be disciples of Jesus -- not believers in lip service only, but in deed too. The messages are titled VISION - BELONG -COMMUNITY - SERVE - THRIVE - GIVE - REACH. You can listen to the messages by clicking on the hyperlinked text. (You can find a list of ACC sermons stretching back several years on the church website.)

Sex is God's Idea: Returning to Intimacy

It should not come as to surprise to anyone that we live in a over-sexualized society. From music and movies, to books and magazines, media and culture are full of sexual images, dialogue, and themes. With the way our society has misused sexuality, it could be tempting for us as the church to

shy away from talking about it. However, the Bible has lots to say on the subject of sex and sexuality. The leadership of ACC has felt a call from God to address this topic in a way that would be impacting, redemptive and healing - but sensitive and not graphic. We will be taking four Sunday services, February 21st through March 14th to speak on a variety of topics related to sexuality. The title of the series is "Sex is God's Idea: Returning to Intimacy."

To help us tackle this subject, we have invited Marnie Ferree to speak at our Sunday services on March 7th. Marnie C. Ferree is a licensed marriage and family therapist employed with the Woodmont Hills Church in Nashville, Tennessee, and the director of Bethesda Workshops. She has a national reputation as a leader in the field of sexual addiction, particularly as it presents in women. Marnie's book about female sexual addiction, No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Shame, is the first Christian book on the subject by a woman personally involved in recovery. No Stones has been widely acclaimed as a pioneering work and is considered the standard in the field. Marnie will also be doing a training seminar for leaders and professional counselors, and will be doing a special presentation open to the public on that Sunday evening.

We encourage you to be in prayer for this sermon series and for those who will be presenting. We believe this to be a very pressing and important topic that has the potential to bring tremendous damage to the enemy's lies and to bring tremendous healing to those who have struggled with issues of sexuality.

Prayer Requests

We all go through struggles in our lives, and often we bring these to the Lord in prayer individually. If you would like to have others in the church family praying with you, you are welcome to submit prayer requests via the church website. You can also turn in prayer requests during the Sunday services or during the week at the church office. There is a dedicated City Church prayer team that will pray with you or for you. Elders and ministry leaders are available at the end of every church service to pray with you, too.

Small Groups

Small groups and classes took off like a rocket again this past fall, and many are continuing during the current winter semester. If you are looking for connection with a small group of friends, or for a class, please take a look at the winter Small Groups and Classes catalog.

There is much more that could be said, of course, but I hope this gives you an idea of some of what is happening. Remember to check City Church News or the church calendar on the website: both are updated frequently with new information.

God bless you! David


David M Johnson
Executive Pastor
Anchorage City Church
Tel. 1.907.344.2141