Saturday, October 16, 2010

City Church 2010 Men's Retreat Oct 29-31 Wasilla

Come for a great weekend of fun, food, fellowship, worship, prayer, personal ministry, teaching, discussions, and messages on topics related to men. If you like to have fun, be encouraged, get refreshed, learn, and get connected to other men, this will be a great weekend.

FOCUS: The anticipated focus is on “Seizing the Moments”. God has called us to be men who have been impacted by Him and men who impact others for the Kingdom. Life is full of moments, or opportunities, to let God work in our lives and to be used to deeply touch others. However, it’s easy to get caught up in being busy and tired and miss those moments. These include moments where we hear from God, where we can touch the heart of our wife and our kids, where we can come along a friend in need, or encourage a coworker. The retreat will have a mixture of teaching, small group discussions, small group prayer, and free time to relax and connect. If there are some guys you’ve wanted to connect with, feel free to get together and fill up your own 6 or 8 person cabin.

COST: The cost is $110 ($105 via the ACC website) and includes six meals, warm cabins, and use of dining, chapel, and Rec rooms. Payment can be made in advance at the information station or on line at the City Church Website. Please sign up before Oct 24th. Contact Jim Lamson at 242-4617 about scholarships or if you’d like to fund one. If you can only come for part of the weekend, costs are less. Make checks to Anchorage City Church.


  • Friday check in starts at 4pm
  • Friday last car-pool group leaves ACC at 5:30pm
  • Friday dinner at Laverne Griffin Camp at 6:30pm
  • Friday night service 8:00ish
  • Sunday leave Camp after lunch and clean-up

FREE TIME ACTIVITIES may include pinochle, hiking, ping-pong, foosball, Frisbee golf, napping, fishing, canoeing, and other card and board games.

DIRECTIONS TO THE LAVERNE GRIFFIN CAMP: Take the Glenn and Parks Highways through Wasilla and turn right on Pittman Rd which is about 6.5 miles past Wasilla. After about 1.3 miles, turn right on Beverly Lakes Rd (You’ll see Laverne Griffin sign) and proceed about 1.8 miles to Kalmbach Rd where the pavement ends. Keep going straight and after a mile, the road curves to the right into Windy Bottom Rd. Proceed another 0.7 miles to the camp turnoff and you’re there. If you stay on the main traveled way, you’ll get thereJ

What to Bring: Most important is to bring a heart open for God to move in and testimonies to share. Most cabins have 3 bunk beds and sleep six and a bath house is close by. You’ll need to bring bedding, changes of clothes, coat/hat, toiletries, flashlight, towel, snacks, bible, paper, pen or pencil, musical instruments, and favorite games.

Questions? Call Jim Lamson at 242-4617.

Map to the camp:

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