Friday, October 29, 2010

Relationship Coach Training

Learn how to be a Marriage, Premarital, Parent or Dating Coach at the Life In Motion Relationships Inventory (LIMRI) training

Saturday, Nov 20, 2010 @ ACC
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
The LIMRI makes it possible for couples without formal training to provide help for others seeking to improve their relationship. This training is designed to give potential coaches the training needed to use the LIMRI tool, and the opportunity to apply to be part of the ACC coaching team.

Training includes:
o Take the LIMRI to build your own relationship
o Extensive manual for long term reference
o Lunch & Childcare

Course Fee
$40 / individual - $50 / couple
Deduction for registering on the ACC website (ACC church family use promo code "ACC")

Relationship coaching is sharing with others the grace that God has placed in our relationships and families.

Why is Coaching Needed?
o Individuals learn best when they have a model to follow.
o Coaching can be a very effective way to address areas in our lives that are underdeveloped.
o Couple-to-couple or parent to-parent interaction has proven to be very effective.
o Coaches empower individuals to be change agents in their own relationships.

How Do We Become Coaches?
As a coach you will:
o Learn how to use the Life in Motion Relationships
o Inventory to identify the strength and growth areas in a relationship.
o Teach couples and parents the art of conflict resolution.
o Help individuals recognize the grace that God has deposited into their relationships.
o Model and equip couples and parents to effectively pray for each other.
o Direct couples to other resources to help them in their marriage and family life.

What Does a Coach Do?
o Meet four to six times with the couple/parent.
o Help the couple or parent to see what is good about their relationship.
o Give spiritual and practical guidance.
o Assign homework.
o Identify strength and growth areas in their relationship.
o Experience a new sense of God’s love, grace, and truth in your own relationship with your spouse or children.

Contact Roger Schoeniger at 344.2141 or for more information.