Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not too late for Alpha!

If you missed the first or second sessions of the Alpha class, don't worry....you aren't too late to become part of the group!

We meet at 6:30 PM in the Anchorage City Church auditorium. It's free and childcare is provided (donations are recommended if you are able). Each evening consists of dinner with the same small group, a talk, and small group discussion of the subject. We will meet on Sundays through May 23rd, and there is a Friday evening / Saturday retreat.

This week's talk is "Why Did Jesus Die" with Pastor Shane LaFramboise.

Call the church office 344-2141 if you have questions.....or just come!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Growing the Kingdom by Cooking?

ALPHA is off to a great start with many participants.....and good food is part of the fun! Want to be part of the team helping cook for some or all of the 10 weeks of the course? You could provide a great service for those drawing closer to Christ. For more information or to join the team, call Linda Johnson 336-8717. You can find more information about Alpha at ACC on our website.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Change of Date for next Baptisms

We've changed our dates for the next baptism service to April 18th. If you would like to be baptized you will need to attend the baptism class held on April 11th. The class will be held in the church offices during both services. Contact the church office to sign up at 344-2141.

3 Easter Sunday Services!

Join us for our Easter Services and the Good Friday Service!

The Good Friday service will take place on Friday April 2nd at 7pm. You will find it a time of reflection, communion and worship.

We've added an early service for Easter Sunday! Join us at either the 8am service, 10am service or the 12 noon service, all of which will be duplicates of eachother. We're happy to provide nursery care, and Kids Church at all services!

Baby Dedications & Church Fast Week

Baby Dedications Our next Baby dedications will be taking place on March 21st. We are limiting the decications to 5 per service. In order for us to prepare for this special time you must contact the church office at 344-2141.

Church Fast Our next church fast is 3/28-4/2. Please participate with us in fasting. This is a significant time for us to focus in on hearing from God and it benefits us all when we take part in this spiritual discipline. We will be providing fasting instructions in the following weeks so look for this in your bulletin soon.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

City Church Job Opportunity

We are looking to hire a full time qualified individual to work as an Administrative Assistant for the months of May-August. For a job description or more detailed information call Business Manager - A.Z. Suarez at 344.2141 xt 24 or stop by the church office Mon-Fri 9 – 4. We will be accepting applications and resumes from March 8th – March 20th. Requirements: Two or more years of experience in customer service and administration; knowledge of Windows programs such as Word, Excel, Outlook, and others.

Beth Moore Event Prayer Support

If you are woman who is interested in giving prayer support for our upcoming Beth Moore Simulcast please contact women's ministries volunteer, Donna Piper at 351-4999, or send her a msg via FB, or her e-mail (mamasitadonita@yahoo.com). She has a current list of prayer needs from the Beth Moore staff. Thank you!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Babysitting Night Fundraiser!

Youth Missions Trip Fundraiser: Babysitting Date Night!

Our next fund raiser is Friday, March 19th here at City Church.

Parents make plans to drop off your children from 6-10pm.

The cost will be $3 per child, per hour. Of course donations are always accepted.

No babies please, Potty trained Pre-Schoolers only. We will feed the children pizza, enjoy craft time and lots of game time and a movie at the end of the evening with popcorn. For more information call Shane or Rhae at 344-2141.

Beacon Hill Updates

Beacon Hill
We are looking for a temporary respite providers from March 18 to April 3 for Juanita our resident manager. For more information or If you are interested in helping for one or several days during those dates Please contact Charity Carmody 632-4862.

Community Easter Egg Hunt!

Go Kids Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Egg Hunt is coming April 3rd. This is an amazing event that involves our community. Last year was an overwhelming success and so this year we need a lot of empty eggs and candy. The more eggs and candy the better. Volunteer sign ups for the egg hunt and painting the signs available today at the Welcome Center. Watch for additional information coming home with your students, for any other information Call Terri Thurston 344.2141.

Baby Dedications & Church Fast Week

Baby Dedications
Our next Baby dedications will be taking place on March 21st. We are limiting the decications to 5 per service. In order for us to prepare for this special time you must contact the church office at 344-2141.

Church Fast
Our next church fast is 3/28-4/2. Please participate with us in fasting. This is a significant time for us to focus in on hearing from God and it benefits us all when we take part in this spiritual discipline. We will be providing fasting instructions in the following weeks so look for this in your bulletin soon.

Small Group Leader Training

Small Group Training
We will be having a Small Group Leaders Training coming up on March 13th from 9am-4pm. This training is for anyone interested in becoming a small group leader now or in the future, is interested in being a host, or co-leader of a small group here at City Church. Lunch is provided.
For more information call Rich or Aaron 344-2141.

Healing the Heart - Upcoming Dates

Learn to hear the Lord God speaking to you. This intensive week-long seminar helps you experience His voice yourself. Topics ~ Spirit Language – Benefits of Fasting – Hindrances to Hearing – God’s Voice in Scripture – Dream Interpretation – Prophecy – Prayer Diaries – Centering Prayer – How Personality Affects Listening – Hearing God in Nature. The teaching sessions are held throughout the week at Anchorage City Church Church starting on Sunday afternoon from 2:15 PM to 7:15 PM. Then Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM. The Weekend retreat meets at a retreat location on Saturday 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM and Sunday 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Cost ~ The cost of the workshop is $120.00 per person. There is a $40.00 non-refundable deposit, with the remaining balance due before the workshop begins. This includes a workbook and meals during the retreat weekend. You can register online or, call ACC and ask for Roger Schoeniger at 344-2141.

Hearing the Voice of God Dates:
March 14-21, June 6-13, Sept 19-26, Nov 7-14