Friday, September 30, 2011

Up-close and Personal Coffee Time

Do you know the women of God that serve as leaders at Anchorage City Church? We are to know those who labor among us! We will have coffee time quarterly throughout the year where we will highlight our elders wives. Join us for some brunch, desserts, coffee and tea as we get to know Lindy Irwin and Deanna Ingalls. This will be in the Anchorage City Church prayer room from 11-1PM on Saturday, October 1st. Childcare will be provided. See you there!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

ACC/Abbott Loop Women's Night of Worship

Don't forget to join us as we come together with our sisters at Abbott Loop Community Church for an awesome night of worship and fellowship! This event will be held in the Abbott Loop auditorium at 7PM on Friday, September 30th. Make sure you invite a friend. You won’t want to miss this evening!

Winning at Work & Home for Men

Winning at Work & Home is a study for men starting this coming Wednesday, October 5th, at 7 PM here at City Church.  It's a 16-session DVD study with workbook that focuses on the two areas that are central to a man’s happiness: his career and his family.   
The series, part of Men's Fraternity, explores new ways a man can better engage and enjoy his work and more successfully relate to the woman in his life.

· What Men Need to Know About Women
· Grasping Life’s Universal Success Principle
· Improving Your Sex Life
· Increasing Your Personal Power at Work
· Four Keys to Maximum Parenting
· Wise Moves with Money in Your Marriage
· Connecting with the Heart of Your Wife
· Bringing Out the Best in Your Child
· Strengthening Communication with the Woman You Love
· A New View of Work
· Resolving Conflict and Other Relational “Static”
· A Lifetime Game Plan for Raising Sons and Daughters
· Love Languages that Connect You & Your Wife
· Discovering Personality Distinctives for Yourself and Your Family
· Best Practices of Successful Men
· Developing Long-Term Winning Strategies at Work & at Home
For more information contact
Vic Pearce 242-6823 or
Bert Mattingly 602-4353

Monday, September 19, 2011

ACC Small Groups & Classes Enrollment Still Open

Most Anchorage City Church small groups and classes remain open for you to investigate and sign up for! You can check out all of our groups and classes right here:  If you have questions, don't hesitate to call me (David Johnson) at 344-2141 or stop by the Connect Table at the back of the auditorium on Sundays.

Why take part in a group? Well, if you want to grow in your faith, it's one of the best ways around. God made us to live together and not surprisingly our spiritual and emotional growth is best when we are part of a group.

If you are looking for friends, getting together on a regular basis with a group of people is a great way to make some new ones. Here's a funny...but close to the look at life together when life happens (video produced by another church):

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Small Groups Promo

Small Groups Promo from Brant Olson on Vimeo.

A video shot to promote Small Groups at

Life Interests Groups @ City Church this Fall

If you want to connect in with others in the church based on specific interests, here are some possibilities to consider.  These are Fall 2011 groups at City Church.  You can find out more about each group by following the link, and you can sign up there as well.

Christ Centered Childbirth - This class is aimed to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy & birth as well as learn the deep spiritual roots and to prepare for the remarkable rite of passage of childbirth. Practical topics include choosing a care provider, nutrition for preventing complications, natural comfort measures, epidurals, surgical birth, breastfeeding & newborn baby care. Emotional/spiritual topics include overcoming fears, effects on your marriage and scripture study for a Christ-centered birth. $20 ($15 online)

Financial Peace University - More than one million families have attended Financial Peace University with amazing results. On average, these families paid off $5,300 in debt and saved $2,700 in just the first 90 days! Stop worrying about money, and start your journey to Financial Peace today. $110 ($100 on the ACC website) fee covers class costs, including workbook.  

Run for God - This group is for all adults who want to run for God! In fact, this group is designed for those who have never run, and if you have never run in your life, there is no better time to start than now. Be ready for a 5K road race in just 12 weeks, and learn how this sport relates to our faith in the process. You can register for the group online at the Anchorage City Church website.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

City Church Thursday Groups Fall 2011

Thursday nights are great for groups!  If it works for you, here are some groups that you might want to take a closer look at.  Remember, you can ask to join a group right here on-line.

Accelerate Turbo Group - Develop your leadership skills in this group designed specifically to teach small group leadership…..and have fun with new friends in the process. You don't have to lead a small group when this is over, but we think you will want to. :) Group members should be able to meet ACC leader standards (6 months at ACC, background check & application). Limit 12 participants.

Christ Centered Childbirth - This class is aimed to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy & birth as well as learn the deep spiritual roots and to prepare for the remarkable rite of passage of childbirth. Practical topics include choosing a care provider, nutrition for preventing complications, natural comfort measures, epidurals, surgical birth, breastfeeding & newborn baby care. Emotional/spiritual topics include overcoming fears, effects on your marriage and scripture study for a Christ-centered birth. $20 ($15 online)

College Age Group - This group is designed for young people in late teens and early 20's.

Estudio Biblico En EspaƱol - Spanish language Bible Study

Jacobson Home Group - Food, fellowship, faith and fun! We meet at our house and start with dinner each time we get together.

Run for God - This group is for all adults who want to run for God! In fact, this group is designed for those who have never run, and if you have never run in your life, there is no better time to start than now. Be ready for your first 5K road race in just 12 weeks, and learn how this sport relates to our faith in the process.  There is a group underway now.  The next group starts in early November. You can register for the group and pay for the group materials online at the Anchorage City Church website.  

Monday, September 05, 2011

Tuesday Evening Groups and Classes at ACC for Fall 2011

The women's ministry team has put together a nice selection of Bible studies for this fall, and there are other great groups worth looking into for our upcoming semester as well. Here's a list of Tuesday evening classes and groups:

Groups Meeting at ACC (1301 W 100th Ave / just off Minnesota). Child care is provided.
  • Financial Peace University - More than one million families have attended Financial Peace University with amazing results. On average, these families paid off $5,300 in debt and saved $2,700 in just the first 90 days! Stop worrying about money, and start your journey to Financial Peace today. Fee covers class costs, including workbook.
  • Freedom From the Grip of the Enemy - Have fear, worry or dread held you captive? Does the economy challenge your faith for finances? Are you snared by difficult relationships? Do you need new strategies for victory? This Bible study will shine the truthes of scripture on these and other problems women face. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
  • Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild - "Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild" is a Bible study based on the Prov. 7 woman the sage warns his son not to seek. "Wild" is what we are whenever we disregard God, & rely on the world's advice or what seems right in our own eyes. Join us to learn how to grow in spiritual discernment so you can spot the difference between wild & wise when it comes to right biblical attitudes, thought patterns & behavior for women. Topics include: habits, body language, roles, & appearance. $20 ($15 online)
  • Inner Healing Training - Training people to help others work through emotional issues in their life. Participants must have been through the Healing the Heart group to join. Contact Group Leader Roger Schoeniger before attending.
  • Prayer: What is It? Does it really Change Things? - The Bible says "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Prayer is one of our greatest resources. God has called every one of us to pray without ceasing. Men and women of past times were mighty prayer warriors. Our study is to move us to pray with all kinds of prayer and not faint and become praying Christians and not just working Christians. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
  • Single and Parenting - Here's a group designed especially for mom's and dad's who are soloing on the important work of raising kids. Registration fee of $20 ($15 online) covers class expenses including workbook. Register at
Other groups meeting on Tuesday nights:
  • Eastham Home Group - We're a group of married couples gathering weekly for fellowship and to discuss the previous week's sermon over snacks. Kids are welcome the first two weeks and then we'll try to arrange a child care system.
Click the links above to find out more info about the groups. You can also contact the group leader through via these links and sign up for the group. You can register for groups with a fee on the Anchorage City Church website.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Small Groups for Men @ City Church, Fall 2011

Continuing on with highlights for the coming fall semester in our small groups, here are groups specifically for men:
  • Faithful & True for Men - The reason for our existence is to glorify God; to use our lives to display the worth and value of Jesus Christ as supreme, above all things. This class seeks to teach the Word of God as it pertains to sexual sin & integrity. This isn't just for those who are struggling with sexual sin; it's for all men, as we all deal with this battle in our lives. The group will meet every other Sunday. < 18 with parent permission. Contact us for location:
  • Men's Fraternity - Men's Fraternity is a series of 3 year-long studies, beginning with Quest for Authentic Manhood, followed by Winning at Work and Home, ending with The Great Adventure. Men's Fraternity provides men with an encouraging process that teaches how to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus and directed by the Bible. For fall 2011 and winter semesters we are working through Winning at Work and Home. $25 registration ($20 online
  • Men's Prayer Breakfast - Join the guys for breakfast before beginning the day's tasks. Food is provided. Conversation about the Christian life and prayer.
See our small groups page for more information about all groups and how City Church groups work.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

ACC Fall 2011 Small Group Highlights: Women's Groups

As the Fall semester approaches, I want to highlight various of our 30ish City Church groups. You'll have a chance to see these in the Groups & Classes bulletin insert on Sunday, but you can also take a look online right now using our groups locator. Today we'll take a look at groups for women:
  • Finding the Hero in Your Husband - There is a hero in your husband, just waiting to be found. Join this group for women and we will explore how we as wives can help our guys find that hero within themselves. This twelve week course costs $10 per person for the book. The book is easy to read, easy to apply and has the study guide questions right in the back of the book.
  • Freedom From the Grip of the Enemy - Have fear, worry or dread held you captive? Does the economy challenge your faith for finances? Are you snared by difficult relationships? Do you need new strategies for victory? This Bible study will shine the truths of scripture on these and other problems women face. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
  • Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild - "Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild" is a Bible study based on the Prov. 7 woman the sage warns his son not to seek. "Wild" is what we are whenever we disregard God, & rely on the world's advice or what seems right in our own eyes. Join us to learn how to grow in spiritual discernment so you can spot the difference between wild & wise when it comes to right biblical attitudes, thought patterns & behavior for women. Topics include: habits, body language, roles, & appearance. $20 ($15 online)
  • Ladies Night Out - Dinner out with mid-life women, limit of 6, who want to establish a friendship. Dinner would be at a restaurant.
  • Mom's Club - Mom's Club is for all moms, especially those with children at home. The group meets Friday mornings 10am-noon through the school year. Come share in the great topics relating to our everyday lives as moms, wives and women. Gain new and grow old friendships, relax with 2 hrs of FREE childcare, as well as enjoy a delicious breakfast and yummy coffee! Like 'City Church Mom's Club' on Facebook!
  • Prayer: What is It? Does it really Change Things? - The Bible says "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Prayer is one of our greatest resources. God has called every one of us to pray without ceasing. Men and women of past times were mighty prayer warriors. Our study is to move us to pray with all kinds of prayer and not faint and become praying Christians and not just working Christians. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
The Fall small group kickoff is on Sunday, September 11. Group leaders will be at tables around the foyer and you can find out more about groups during this time, as well as sign up to be in the group. Can't wait? You can contact group leaders right now using the groups locator!