Thursday, September 29, 2011

Winning at Work & Home for Men

Winning at Work & Home is a study for men starting this coming Wednesday, October 5th, at 7 PM here at City Church.  It's a 16-session DVD study with workbook that focuses on the two areas that are central to a man’s happiness: his career and his family.   
The series, part of Men's Fraternity, explores new ways a man can better engage and enjoy his work and more successfully relate to the woman in his life.

· What Men Need to Know About Women
· Grasping Life’s Universal Success Principle
· Improving Your Sex Life
· Increasing Your Personal Power at Work
· Four Keys to Maximum Parenting
· Wise Moves with Money in Your Marriage
· Connecting with the Heart of Your Wife
· Bringing Out the Best in Your Child
· Strengthening Communication with the Woman You Love
· A New View of Work
· Resolving Conflict and Other Relational “Static”
· A Lifetime Game Plan for Raising Sons and Daughters
· Love Languages that Connect You & Your Wife
· Discovering Personality Distinctives for Yourself and Your Family
· Best Practices of Successful Men
· Developing Long-Term Winning Strategies at Work & at Home
For more information contact
Vic Pearce 242-6823 or
Bert Mattingly 602-4353