Thursday, September 01, 2011

ACC Fall 2011 Small Group Highlights: Women's Groups

As the Fall semester approaches, I want to highlight various of our 30ish City Church groups. You'll have a chance to see these in the Groups & Classes bulletin insert on Sunday, but you can also take a look online right now using our groups locator. Today we'll take a look at groups for women:
  • Finding the Hero in Your Husband - There is a hero in your husband, just waiting to be found. Join this group for women and we will explore how we as wives can help our guys find that hero within themselves. This twelve week course costs $10 per person for the book. The book is easy to read, easy to apply and has the study guide questions right in the back of the book.
  • Freedom From the Grip of the Enemy - Have fear, worry or dread held you captive? Does the economy challenge your faith for finances? Are you snared by difficult relationships? Do you need new strategies for victory? This Bible study will shine the truths of scripture on these and other problems women face. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
  • Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild - "Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild" is a Bible study based on the Prov. 7 woman the sage warns his son not to seek. "Wild" is what we are whenever we disregard God, & rely on the world's advice or what seems right in our own eyes. Join us to learn how to grow in spiritual discernment so you can spot the difference between wild & wise when it comes to right biblical attitudes, thought patterns & behavior for women. Topics include: habits, body language, roles, & appearance. $20 ($15 online)
  • Ladies Night Out - Dinner out with mid-life women, limit of 6, who want to establish a friendship. Dinner would be at a restaurant.
  • Mom's Club - Mom's Club is for all moms, especially those with children at home. The group meets Friday mornings 10am-noon through the school year. Come share in the great topics relating to our everyday lives as moms, wives and women. Gain new and grow old friendships, relax with 2 hrs of FREE childcare, as well as enjoy a delicious breakfast and yummy coffee! Like 'City Church Mom's Club' on Facebook!
  • Prayer: What is It? Does it really Change Things? - The Bible says "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Prayer is one of our greatest resources. God has called every one of us to pray without ceasing. Men and women of past times were mighty prayer warriors. Our study is to move us to pray with all kinds of prayer and not faint and become praying Christians and not just working Christians. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
The Fall small group kickoff is on Sunday, September 11. Group leaders will be at tables around the foyer and you can find out more about groups during this time, as well as sign up to be in the group. Can't wait? You can contact group leaders right now using the groups locator!