Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mrs. Alaska 2008!

Hello, this is Aaron Gray, worship pastor here at City Church. I am very pleased to inform you of an exciting development in the Gray family as well as the City Church community. This past Saturday, April 26th, my wife of 7 years, Erin Lynn, was crowned as Mrs. Alaska 2008 in the Mrs. United States pageant system. Our whole family is extremely proud of her and excited for the opportunities that this will bring for her.

Please keep her and our family in your prayers as we prepare for the Mrs. United States national competition this upcoming July. I know that my wife is very excited to represent not only herself and other married women, but specifically Anchorage City Church. We absolutely love our church family and are so proud to be a part of such a wonderful community.

You can view her bio at http://www.mrsak.com/ or check out her new blog at http://mrsak08.blogspot.com/. God bless!