Friday, August 29, 2008

Updated Small Groups List

We have added more small groups and classes since the last blog post....and more are coming in the weeks ahead. But so you can plan your time, we want to provide this information now. We'll have updated lists coming up. This list is divided by group type.

Here is the downloadable/printable list. This will be handed out on Sunday, September 7 at both ACC services.

Friday, August 22, 2008

ACC Classes and Small Groups List

Quite a few classes and small groups are in the works at Anchorage City Church. Some have already started; others will start within the next few weeks. Even more classes and groups are coming. We will update this list periodically with new information. For more details on any of these please contact the church office ( or call David Johnson (344.2141) during business hours.
  • Open Hearts Connect – A small group for those who have graduated at any time from Healing the Heart. Meets Sundays at noon – 1:30 PM. Starts August 31.
  • Group X – A confidential group with a focus on men’s sexual purity. Contact group leader Nick Dallaportas (317-8242)for information about this group.Another group for spouses is also available. Ongoing.
  • Genesis Arts Fellowship – Small group with a visual arts focus. Mondays6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Ongoing.
  • The Bible in 90 Days – Read the entire Bible in 90 Days. The group provides insight, accountability, fellowship and encouragement. Includes video teaching. Sunday’s at 9 – 10 AM.Starts September 7.
  • Men’s Bible Study -- Shine the Bible on the current issues Christian men face every day. Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30PM. Ongoing.
  • Men’s Service & Accountability Group-- Meet your brothers Fridays 6:30 to 8PM for service and accountability. Ongoing.
  • Active Parenting – Build up your children to effectively meet life by improving parenting skills. Wednesday’s6:30 – 8:30 PM. Starts September 17.
  • Worship Training – Learn skills for participating on a worship music team.Meets Tuesdays 7 – 8:30 PM in the ACC auditorium. Starts September 23.
  • Grief Share – For those who have lost a deeply loved family member or friend. Walk through with others who care. Wednesdays 7 – 8:30. Starts September 24.
  • Crown Finance – Learn God’s financial principles in order to know Christ more intimately and be free to serve Him. Thursdays 7 – 9 PM. Starts September 11.
  • Healing the Heart – This workshop will give you Biblical principles and insights for dealing with emotional pain, wounds, loss and disappointment.Starts October 26.
  • Divorce Care – Loss of a spouse through divorce is heartbreaking, but God still has good plans for you.Wednesdays 7 – 9 PM. Starts September10.
  • Building A Relationship That Works –Delve into your marriage with God’s word and make it even stronger. Open only to graduates of the Marriage Course. Thursday’s 7-9PM. Starts September 25.
  • Hearing the Voice of God – Open the eyes of your heart and learn to consistently hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. Starts September 14.
  • Men’s Breakfast – Meet with the guys for breakfast, prayer and fellowship.Wednesdays 6 AM. Ongoing.
  • Foundations: Bible Baseline – A nine week course covering the basics of the Christian Faith. Sundays during 10 AM sermon time. Starts September 7.
  • Foundations: Bible Truths – Two one-hour courses covering Bible books and topics. Take one or both classes. Sunday evenings 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Starts September 14.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Bible in 90 Days

The Bible in 90 Days is designed to give you the tools to read, ATTENTIVELY, every word of the Bible in just three months.

When taking the course, each participant reads 12 pages a day in your Bible, then gathers with fellow participants once a week. The weekly class meetings provide insight, accountability, fellowship and encouragement. The class is just 60 minutes.

A typical class meeting includes:
  • a small group discussion of last week’s reading,
  • a videotaped lesson (about 25 minutes),
  • and a short discussion of the videotaped lesson

This class starts on September 7 at 9 AM in Room 209 (upstairs) at Anchorage City Church and continues every Sunday through December 7. When you are done, you will have read every Word!

Watch a Windows Media introductory video here or a QuickTime video about the course here.

For more information, call Ruanne Brock at 333-3210.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Grief Share

This support group, hosted by Ann and Dennis Neavill begins September 24, 2008 and ends December 17, 2008. Meetings are held Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 PM, in Room 209. For more information call Ann Neavill 727-3057.

Open Hearts Connect

This group is for people who attended the August Healing the Heart. Ann and Dennis Neavill host this follow up support group. The group meets Sundays, beginning August 31,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

From the Pastor's Heart

Dear Family,

Be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you. 1 Sam.12:24

First of all, 1 want to say thank you to Jesus for the way He continues to provide and guide us as we move forward in faith towards God's purposes as a congregation.
In the past we have used what is called "From the Pastors Heart" as a written communication tool to keep the congregation apprised of what is happening at City Church. I am reviving that method of communication because 1 will be gone for a few weeks on a motorcycle trip, to Milwaukee, Wis. and then to Seattle. I would appreciate your prayers.

There is a noticeable increase in attendance in our weekend services. Some of the increase is part of the Vineyard Church integration and others have chosen to come at "coincidently" the same time. We are honored that all of you have made thechoice to be at City Church. We believe that God has great blessings in store for all of us as we work together with one heart, one mind and one purpose.

In the past few years we have made a concerted effort to engage in ministry beyond the four walls of the City Church building. While our Special Event efforts continue to bear fruit, we continually emphasize and encourage all of you to be people of influence wherever God has placed you; in your family, neighborhood, school, marketplace, recreation, etc. With that in mind, we are praying and listening for God's direction in the expansion of all ministries. During our church-wide fast, in January, the Lord spoke one word to me, "decentralize." The definition of that word is to reorganize by distributing authority to smaller local units.

Read the entire letter (PDF) >>>

Monday, August 11, 2008

Build Your Marriage This Fall

Build up your marriage this fall with The Marriage Course, an eight-week class that will give your marriage new directions.

The Monday evening course starts on September 22 at 7 PM each evening and combines good teaching, humor, a special dessert, and exercises to strengthen what you are learning. There is no requirement to share with anyone other than your spouse.

Read more about this course and others on our marriage ministry page. The course is $37.50 per person, and includes workbooks and dessert each evening. You can register and pay online. Childcare is provided. Donations to defray childcare expenses are gratefully accepted.

Here's what one couple had to say about the course.

Whatever the state of your marriage, we believe you will find as over 200 have before you that the Marriage Course will simply make your lives together better. Sign up today!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Small Group Leader Training

If you are a small group leader or someone who would like to know more about leading a group, please join us at ACC at 9 AM on Saturday, August 16 for our small group leader orientation and training.

Read more about small groups and more about this session on our Connections/Small Groups page.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hearing the Voice of God Workshop

Sign up now for this life changing weeklong workshop. Attendees will have encounters with the Lord through teachings about dream interpretation, fasting, centering prayer, prayer journaling, the language of God in nature, music, and other topics. The cost for this workshop is $100.00. You must sign up in advance and pay a $25.00 deposit to reserve your space. Classes are
Sunday September 14 - 2-7 PM
Monday - Tuesday 7-10 PM
Thurday - Friday 7-10 PM
Saturday 8 AM - 10 PM at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center
Sunday 8 AM to 2 PM at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center
For more information or questions, please contact Lorraine O'Neal - 344 9445 or email

Healing the Heart Worship August 17-24

HEALING THE HEART is designed to give a person an understanding of why they cope with pain, disappointments, insecurities and ambitions in the way that they do. These teachings deal with wounds and hurts that we have all received and how they affect our personalities. Biblically based, it’s practical benefits are immeasurable to those who choose to open themselves to what God wants to do in their life. This workshop has been liberating, healing and helpful to many people.

Cost $135.00 includes notebook, and lodging and meals - there is a retreat at Laverne Griffin Campgrounds in Wasilla beginning Friday evening through Sunday afternoon.

The workshop is conducted over a one week period:
Sunday 2 PM—6:30 PM
Monday and Tuesday 7 PM — 10:30 PM
Wednesday 7 PM—11 PM
Friday — Sunday
The weekend retreat begins Friday 7 PM and ends Sunday afternoon

Call now to register, Pam Schoeniger 223-9833 - space is limited!

Love Won Out Conference on Homosexuality in Anchorage

Do you know someone who struggles with homosexuality? This Love Won Out one-day conference will equip you to:
  • Respond to misinformation in our culture
  • Defend Biblical principles with grace and understanding
  • Love and support family members and friends who are gay or lesbian identified without condoning homosexuality.

Focus on the Family (R) can help. If you are the parent, friend, or loved one of someone living homosexually; a pastor, lay counselor or youth worker; a therapist or educator, this conference is for you. You'll hear about God's created intent for sexuality from nationally known experts, many of who will share their personal stories of overcoming homosexuality. Their honesty and transparency will give you hope for those who may seem beyond reach.

Register today!

Don't miss this opportunity to cut through the confusion and find the truth that frees. To learn more to register visit the Love Won Out website or call 800-A FAMILY (232-6459).

Early bird registration: $50. Regular/on-site registration: $60

"And that is what some of you were...." -- 1 Cor 6:11 NIV

Saturday, September 13, 2008 8 am - 5:30 pm
Abbott Loop Community Church
2626 Abbott Rd Anchorage, AK

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

New Giving System

Our new online giving system is now operational. The new system will ask you to set up an "online account". Once that is established -- a 2 minute job -- then you will be able to make one time contributions or schedule contributions weekly, monthly, etc.

If you have questions about the system, please call Suzie Momoser at the church office (344.2141).