Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Year's Eve Worship, Prayer and Candlelight Service

Everyone is encouraged to come out for a night of prayer and worship as we celebrate what God has done throughout the year. There will be different worship teams playing throughout the evening, and Pastor Irwin will be saying a special prayer when we begin the candlelight portion of the service.

This service will take place from 6-9pm on Sunday, December 31st. Complimentary cookies and coffee will be served.

Monday, December 18, 2006

New Foundations Bible Study Starts January 11th

Come be a part of this study as you learn about healing relationships between you & God, you and others, as well as the inner struggles we all go through. This study is a Wellspring Seminar on DVD. Join others on Thursdays at 7pm for 9 weeks. Purchasing of materials is optional for this study. Book is $5 and study guide is $10. Please sign up at the information counter. This study will take place at the home of Marlene Dean- 3211 E. 41st Ave, #3 (off of Tudor between Piper & Dale Street). Contact number is 561-8101.

Youth Winter Camp - Jan 12th - 15th

All Junior and Senior High youth are invited to come have a fun time at North Star Bible Camp. Departure time is at 4pm on the 12th from the church, and everyone will return at 1pm on the 15th. Please access the Youth page on the website for more information. Please call Pastor Shane on or before January 7th to register.

ACC Ordination Information

The ACC Elders have voted to ordain Mike Rawalt as a Deacon. Our custom is to ask for comments or concerns that could affect this ordination. if you have any comments, please contact Pastor Richard via email or by leaving a phone message.

Friday, December 15, 2006

This Christmas Give the Gift of a Strong Marriage

You can build a strong and joyful marriage that lasts a lifetime. The Marriage Course is designed to help you and your mate do just that. It is the gift you can give each other that will keep on giving, year after year after year. And, if you have children, it is a gift you can give them as well. Your strong marriage will profoundly impact your childrens lives and their destiny.

Join dozens of other couples in an eight week course that has a track record of transforming marriages, including some right here at Anchorage City Church. The Marriage Course is an internationally recognized teaching for every marriage, whether in dangerous waters or sailing on smooth seas.

Each evening consists of simple but powerful teaching and private husband / wife discussion and exercises. The course is based on Bible principles but is helpful to people with or without a Christian background or church experience.

The course is just $100 for all eight evenings, and includes supper, childcare and course materials. Course meetings are on Friday evenings, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM starting January 12 and running through March 9, 2007 (except March 2).

You can find out more details about the course from the Anchorage City Church Calendar, from the Marriage Course USA website, or by calling the City Church office at 344-2141.

Please register no later than January 7, 2007. Early registration is advised because space is limited to the first 50 couples to sign up. Please register with the ACC Church office during normal office hours.

Note to you who are not yet married: we have a course for you, too. It is the Marriage Preparation Course. It starts in late March.

Men, if you are looking for a present for your wife this Christmas, you can't beat this one!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

There Will Not be a Women's Prayer Breakfast in December

The next Breakfast will be January 27th from 9-11am in the ACC Prayer Room. Registration will take place January 7th. Please stay tuned for additional details.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Angel Tree Recipients please sign up before December 6th!!!

Please call the church office to sign your child, or children up to receive a gift from the Angel Tree. For more details and to sign up, call Carol Jack at 344-2141.

ACC Carpoolers Needed!

If you are able to provide rides to church for individuals in the area you live in, please sign up at the information counter. You will be contacted shortly regarding rides needed.

ACC Business Directory Coming Soon!

If you are interested in having your business listed in the ACC Business Directory, please list your business at the information counter. This will enable us to help promote and pray for your business.

December 17th - Gift Baskets for Sale at ACC

Ladies...come prepared on December 17th to purchase gift baskets with contents ranging from chocolates and popcorn to gift certificates and luxurious soaps. All proceeds from the basket sales go to the Lydia House in Eagle River. The Lydia House assists women who are transitioning out of prison.

For more information, please call Janice Ridgeway at 344-2141.

Pre-Service Prayer is Back!!!

Come welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit as we enter into prayer. Times are every Sunday from 8:30-9:00, and 10:30-11:00 am in room 103. Please call Karen Fink at 346-8203 if you would like more information about this powerful time of prayer.

ACC's Angel Tree

Each year ACC wants to bless our children and families in need. If you are in need and would like your child or children (under 18) to be blessed or, if you know of a family in need of a Holiday basket (turkey or ham and all the trimmings for a holiday dinner), please call the church office at 344-2141 to sign them up to get blessed.

Be a Blessing...
If you are able to bless a child at ACC, please pick an angel tag off of the large tree in the lobby. The tags have the name of a child and their gender, age and gift they would like. Please return the unwrapped gift to the office, or to the information counter during service times on Sundays, before December 20th.

If you are able to provide a ham or turkey for the Holiday baskets, please call the church office at 344-2141.

Thank you for giving!

New Year's Eve Worship Night and Candlelight Service

New Year's Eve we will have a great time of worship as we bring in the new year with various bands from ACC! Come prepared to sing your heart out to the Lord from 9pm until midnight.

We will also have a candlelight service as we remember the blessings God has bestowed upon us all year as well as give God thanks for all the blessings to come in the new year. Light refreshments will be available. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

ACC Christmas Program - December 23rd & 24th

ACC Christmas Program Extravaganza
December 23rd - 7pm
December 24th - 9am & 11am
Come out to see and hear the story and events surrounding Christ's birth like you never have before. Join us for this multi-cultural play that puts a unique spin on traditional Christmas programs. Saturday evening we will have light refreshments in the lobby for everyone to enjoy. Sunday morning we will have a brunch of pastries, croissants and juice available between the two services. Invite your friends and family to enjoy this exciting program.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Men's Night Out - Tuesday, November 14th

All men are encouraged to come out for dinner, fellowship and a great teaching about "Catching the Wind of God." Learn how to grow in Christ as you take heed to what the Holy Spirit is directing you to do. Men's Night Out starts at 6pm and you can sign up at the Information counter or call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

Women's Prayer Breakfast - November 18th

All women are encouraged to come out for this great time of worship and insightful learning about how to live a "Fear Free Life!" Come hear what Theresa Harrison has to say about leaning on God and not our own understanding regarding the way we go about our daily lives as busy women.The breakfast is from 9-11 am and childcare is provided. Please sign up at the information counter, and please also mark if you are available to help with set-up or clean-up.

Volunteers Needed for the Thanksgiving Blessing at CrossPoint Community Church

ACC is looking for volunteers to help out with the Thanksgiving Blessing at Crosspoint Community Church. Individuals and/or entire families are needed to help with the distribution of food to those in need, as well as getting things set up the day before the actual distribution.

The days and times to help are:
Sunday, November 19th from 3 - 4:30pm
Monday, November 20th from 3-5:00pm

If you can help with these blessing, please sign up at ACC's information counter or call the church office at 344-2141.

ACC's Thanksgiving Potluck Gathering is Monday, November 20th

ACC is gearing up to have our Thanksgiving Potluck and everyone is encouraged to attend from 6-8pm. We will have many games for adults and children, door prizes and a special story time from Pastor Jim Strutz. ACC will provide the Turkey, Ham and drinks. Congregation members are encouraged to sign up at the information counter as to what side dish they would like to bring to share with others. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Alaskan Christmas Bazaar is November 11th!!!

The Christmas Bazaar will be Saturday, November 11th from 9am - 4pm. There will be vendors selling everything from Holiday cooking items and ornaments to homemade crafts and jewelry. Come and kick off the Holiday season by browsing through every room at ACC and find that hidden treasure that you've been searching for. Vendor booths will be located all throughout the building, including upstairs!

Food and coffee will also be available for purchase. If you want to sell your items at the bazaar, there are just a few spaces left to purchase for $50. For a vendor application or more information, please log onto: Alaskanchristmas.com

See you at the bazaar!

Come help decorate ACC for the Holidays on November 7th!

There will be a decorating party on Tuesday, November 7th from 6-9pm. We will be putting up Christmas trees, garland and many other types of decorations. There will be light snacks and drinks provided. Please call Suzi Richardson at 344-2141 for more information.

November 5th Night of Worship and Prayer is rapidly approaching!!!

All ACC members are encouraged to come down to the Performing Arts Center (Atwood Theater) and join other believers from 6-7:30 pm, as we pray over and bless the city of Anchorage. There is no admission fee and the doors open at 5:30. There will be free parking available in the parking garage next to the Atwood. Please contact Carol Jack at 344-2141 for more information. This event is sponsored by the Churches of Anchorage.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

ACC's Christmas Play is now recruiting adult and child actors, writers, musicians and sound & stage people!!!

The Christmas Play - Christ is Born will take place at both services on Sunday, December 17th. We need people to play a variety of roles. Please sign up at the information counter, or call the Church office at 344-2141 to sign up. The first meeting and practice will be October 28th in room 207. For more information, please call Teri Thurston at 344-9372.

ACC Members...We need candy and grocery bags!!!

We need bags of candy for the October 31st Kingdom Faire. Please drop off your large bags of candy at the information counter. The candy needs to be individually wrapped. We also need plastic bags from the grocery store. Those can be dropped off as well at the information counter. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

Children's Kingdom Faire - October 31st from 5-8pm

The Kingdom Faire will be fun for all ages of children! There will be plenty of games to play, karoke and snacks. Come bring your children and their friends, as they make their way around the Auditorium to have fun and collect candy!
The festivities take place from 5-8pm. Volunteers are needed to help with set-up and clean-up and to run booths. For more information, please call Marce Ewing at 337-5462.

King's Kids Kickoff Meeting is Saturday, October 21st

King's Kids is starting up again! King's Kids are for children 8 years or older and they will be learning everything from new forms of worship to dance routines and working with puppets. King's Kids will be helping around the community and doing various performances during church services. The meeting is from 9am - 12pm in the ACC Prayer Room, and a meeting will happen every month at the same time. Dates are to be announced. For more details, please call Marce Ewing at 337-5462.

Friday, October 06, 2006

October 9th - Disaster Preparedness Meeting

If you signed up to be a part of the ACC Disaster Preparedness Team then this meeting is for you! The Red Cross will be providing the ACC Team with information on what to do, and how to assist others in case of an emergency. Please sign up for the meeting at the information counter, or if you have any questions, please call Bert Mattingly at 562-9980 for more information.

Volunteers needed in preparation for November 5th Night of Worship and Prayer

The Churches of Anchorage will be having a Night of Worship and Prayer on November 5th at the Performing Arts Center. This night is to bring together churches in Anchorage to pray over and bless our city.

We are looking for volunteers to help with poster distribution. Please sign up at the information counter or call Suzie Richardson at the church office at 344-2141.

Friday Night Street Ministry Needs Your Donations!

Please donate your gently used (or new) clothing items such as coats, gloves, hats, socks, etc., canned goods, canned meats and dry noodles of all types to this much needed ministry. Each Friday they deliver these items to those in need who are living on the streets of Anchorage. Please bring your items to church with you and drop them off at the information counter in the lobby. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

Truth Project Make up Sessions Start Sunday, Oct. 15th

If you miss a Sunday night viewing of the Truth Project, then come to church on Sundays from 9:45-10:45 am to get caught up on the insightful teachings of the Truth Project videos that are shown each Sunday night. Contact Archibald at 344-2141 to sign up.

ACC Indoor Potluck Gathering - October 17th from 6-8pm

Come out and fellowship with your church family. Families, please bring a side dish and whatever meat you want grilled up and also come prepared to play games and have a good time! Feel free to bring any type of board game that you would like to share with others. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for more information.

Beacon University Class - October 19th, 20th & 21st

“The History of Christianity in America” will focus on the beginnings of America from a Christian perspective and explore the ways in which God actively shaped the founding of our country. In February, we will continue this history from the Revolutionary war to the present time. This class takes place in room 103. The times are:

October 19th: 6:30-9:30pm
October 20th: 6:30-9:30pm
October 21st: 8:30am - 12:30 pm

Please register by calling Jim Strutz at 344-2141, or email him at jim@accchurch.org

New Date for Couples Fellowship & Dessert Night - October 21st

The fun starts at 7:30 pm and goes until around 9:30 pm in the ACC Auditorium. Invest some time in your marriage while you indulge in conversation and desserts. Please sign up at the information counter.

Women's Prayer Breakfast - October 28th @ 9am

Takes place in the ACC Prayer Room. The focus this month is preventing and recognizing depression. A key speaker from Cornerstone Clinic will be sharing information. Childcare is available for this no charge event. Please sign up at the information counter, or call the church office at 344-2141 to register.

Baby Dedication will be October 29th at both services

Please call the church office at 344-2141 to sign up to have your child dedicated.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New Foundations Ministries Class begins September 21st

Come discover your true meaning and purpose and, as a result, learn that you are able to achieve things previously thought to be impossible. This class is taught by Marlene Dean in her home. She can be reached at 561-8101.

This class takes place on Thursdays from 7-9pm and goes for nine weeks. Please get contact information and sign up at the information counter.

Volunteers needed for November 11th Christmas Bazaar

If you would like to volunteer to help out with the Christmas Bazaar taking place at ACC on November 11th, please call the church office at 344-2141. Volunteers are needed for various areas that include set-up, tear down, security, and assisting the vendors.

Working Women's Bible Study starts September 21st

The "Six Basics of a Balanced Life" will be held at Suzie Covault's home from 6-8 pm on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays. This study will help working women find a balance between studying God's word, family and work.

Directions to Suzie Covault’s home from City Church:

Take 100th to Humphrey drive and turn right
Turn Right onto Dimond Blvd
Merge onto New Seward going towards downtown
Take the Tudor exit and stay to the right
Tudor then becomes Muldoon
Turn right onto E 16th Ave
Turn right onto State Street
Turn right onto Giddeon Circle

Suzie’s addres 8070 Giddeon Circle
Her phone number is: 333-5898

Beacon University Class begins Thursday, September 21st

Come out on Thursday from 6:30-9:30 pm and learn about the "Seven Churches of Revelation." This course will explore the historical setting and prophetic challenge to each of these churches. The class continues on Friday from 6:30-9:30 pm and Saturday morning from 8:30am-12:30pm.

For costs, registration and information please call Jim Strutz at 344-2141.

There will be no Women's Prayer Breakfast for the month of September

The next Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for October 28th at 9am in the ACC Prayer Room. Watch your bulletin for more information about that breakfast.

Men of Destiny: Realizing God's Vision Men's Retreat will be September 29th - October 1st

All men are encouraged to attend this retreat at Northstar Bible Camp, for a great weekend of fun, food, fellowship, worship, prayer and personal ministry. Activities may include a paint ball competition, pinochle, capture the flag, hiking, ploar bear swims, horseshoes, frisbee golf, NAPPING, fishing, canoeing as well as other card and board games.

Cost is $100 with partial scholarships available. Contact Jim Lamson at 242-4617 if you are in need of a scholarship or would like to fund a scholarship. The cost of the retreat is less if you are only able to come for part of the weekend. Please make checks to City Church.

Bring: Changes of clothes, winter gear, snacks, sleeping gear, Bible, paper & pen, musical instruments if any, and other gear for activities being planned. Most of all...Bring an open heart for God to move in!

  • Last car pool group leaves ACC @ 6:15 pm on Friday
  • Meet at North Star Camp by 8 pm on Friday
  • Leave the camp by 1pm on Sunday
  • Optional stop for lunch on the way back

Directions: Drive to Wilow and just beyond mile 71 on the Parks Hwy, turn right on Willow-Fishook Road. Camp is on the right about 12.5 miles up. The camp is about 1 3/4 hours from City Church.

If you like to have fun, be encouraged, get refreshed and get connected to other men, then this is the weekend for you!!!

Saturday, October 7th is a Couple's Dessert and Fellowship Night

Come and join other couples from 7:30-9:30 pm as they indulge in conversation and dessert in the ACC Auditorium. Invest time in your marriage with this fun date night. Childcare will be provided. Please sign up at the information counter or call the church office at 344-2141.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Invest in Your Marriage This Fall

Our friends at Abbott Loop Community Church are sponsoring The Marriage Course for eight Tuesday evenings from 6:15 to 9:00 PM starting September 12. A light dinner each evening, childcare and course materials are included in the $50 fee. Pre-register with John or Janet Beier at 522-8542 or at ALCC.

Already been on the course? Pass this on to a friend or family member. This course is for all kinds of marriages: good marriages, not-so-good marriages, and marriages that need help. Read what couples who have been on the course say about it.

The course covers the following topics:

Tue Sept 12 Building Strong Foundations
Tue Sept 19 The Art of Communication
Tue Sept 26 Resolving Conflict
Tue Oct 3 The Power of Forgiveness
Tue Oct 10 Parents and In-Laws
Tue Oct 17 Sexual intimacy
Tue Oct 24 Love in Action
Tue Nov 7 The Marriage Course Supper

Listen to an interview (MP3, 2:24) with John Beier about the course >>>

For additional information on the course see our calendar event page for September 12.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Love Inc. will hold a community meeting on September 8th

Do you have a heart for people in need? If you do then please come to the public forum meeting on:

Friday September 8th from 6-8pm
at the Loussac Library in Anchorage
Love INC is an organization that is dedicated to mobilizing local churches and ministries in serving together for the transformation of lives and communities in the Name of Christ. The Love INC model enables churches in a community to pool their resources and services so that those in need are not turned away.
Please join us to find out how you can become an integral part of this organization. To find out more about Love INC go to http://www.loveinc.org

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Working Women's Bible Study - Starts September 7th

Come learn the "Six Basics of a Balanced Life" and add order to your life as you juggle studying the Word, family and work! There will be plenty of food, fun and fellowship. The study takes place from 5:30-7:30 pm on the first and third Thursdays at Bonnie Winter's house located at 3801 Amber Bay Loop:

Directions from ACC:
Take 100th to Bayshore Drive and take a left.
Turn right onto Admiralty Bay Drive,
Turn Right onto CHiniak Bay Drive.
Turn left onto Amber Bay Loop.

Bonnie's number is 522-3537.

The second study on September 21st will take place at Helen Hardin's home. Please call her at 274-3582 for directions. All other studies will take place at Bonnie's home. Please sign up for this study at the information booth, or call the church office at 344-2141.

Ordination of Mary Glazier - Aug 19th at 2pm in the ACC Auditorium

Everyone is invited to the Ordination Celebration of Mary Glazier. She is the founder and president of Windwalkers International. A Haida Indian born in Ketchikan, Alaska, Mary was nurtured in her early faith by the Salvation Army. In 1971 she received a life transforming baptism of the Holy Spirit and has since been a powerful instrument in the hands of God. Her Ministry, Windwalkers International was birthed by the Holy Spirit in 1990.

Mary is an active member of the Anchorage Evangelical Pastors Fellowship, a network of over 90 pastors in Anchorage, Alaska. God has used her internationally to instruct and lead on the subject of spiritual warfare. She currently works with Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce on the U.S. Strategic Prayer Network and on the Mission America National Committee. Mary also serves as an advisor for the International Reconciliation Coalition.

HIPPA Forces Changes in Hospital Procedures

If you are hospitalized, the hospital staff are no longer allowed to contact your church. These privacy regulations, part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), are known as the "Privacy Rules".

Individuals are responsible for making outside contact when hospitalized. If you find yourself in this situation, please call, or make arrangements to have someone else call:

*Prayer Chain - 250-8782
*Church Office - 344-2141

"Believing God" Women's Bible Study Starts September 26th

This Bible study is a study series from Beth Moore . This 10-session study will lead participants to a more active, living faith as they study the lives of Abraham, Moses, and others in Hebrews 11's "Hall of Faith" who believed God.

It will take place on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in the ACC Prayer Room. Please register before September 3rd to ensure your study materials arrive on time. The cost for the materials is to be announced. To register, please call the church office at 344-2141 to register or stop by the information booth in the lobby.

ACC Family Potluck Picnic - August 15th @ 6:30 pm

Come out and have fun while the sun is still shining! The picnic will be in back of the church (inside of the auditorium if it rains). Each family brings a dish and whatever meat they want to grill up! ACC will provide hotdogs and drinks! There will be many fun door prizes given away. There will be separate raffles for boys and girls and adults! Come fellowship with your church family and don't forget to bring a lawn chair!
Please call the office at 344-2141 if you have any questions.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Acclaimed Author and Lecturer Alistair Petrie will speak at ACC on Friday, Aug 18th @ 7pm

He will be speaking about Apostles and Prophets - A Global Perspective. As Executive Director of Parnership Ministries, Alistair has developed teaching tools to enable the church to transform their communities and nations through intercession and commitment to the land and stewarding the presence of God.

He has written "Releasing Heaven on Earth", "A Sacred Trust" and "Transformed - People-Cities-Nations". Come hear how he explains how to retain God's presence and Glory following times of revival in order that transformation at all levels of society is released and tetained. Don't miss this opportunity to receive an impartation from this incredible leader in the body of Christ.

Women's Prayer Breakfast - Aug 26th

Everyone is welcome to attend Part II of Violence against women of all ages in the ACC Prayer Room from 9-11am. Guest Speaker Maureen Christensen will be giving valuable information regarding the steps women can take to get help. Please register by calling 344-2141 or by signing up at the information counter. This is a no-charge event and childcare is provided.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tithe Box is reserved for New Direction

The tithe box (located in the back of the auditorium next to the kitchen) is for New Direction's members to put their tithes into. All other tithe boxes are for ACC.

Water Baptism will take place on Sunday, Aug 13th at 1pm

A water baptism service will be at 1pm at ACC. The baptism class will take place at ACC on Aug 6th at 12pm. If you are interested in learning more about water baptism or would like to be baptized, please call Jim Strutz at 344-2141.

Children will be dismissed to their classes during worship starting Sunday, Aug 6th.

Starting next Sunday, the children will be dismissed to their classes towards the end of the worship segment during Sunday services. This will be done in an effort to help parents stay informed about church happenings. Many parents are missing the announcements on the slides while they are taking their children to their classes. We hope this change will be accommodating.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Recruitment for Children's Church Volunteers has Started!

The new semester starts on September 3rd and volunteers will work every other Sunday. Children's Church is 4 years through 6th grade. Volunteers can sign up in the lobby or by calling the church office at 344-2141.

Items left behind at Family Camp can be picked up in the Church Office

Please call Pastor Archibald at 344-2141 if you have any items that were left behind at Family Camp.

New Church Rosters are now Available!

Rosters are available for pick up at the table in the back of the auditorium or at the church office. For more information, please call the office at 344-2141.

Ruben Kassabian - July 23rd & 24th @ ACC

ACC is delighted to have international speaker Ruben Kassabian from Argentina as a guest at our church. This well-known author, evangelista and conference speaker will preaching about what God is doing between Alaska and Argentina.

He will be speaking at both services on Sunday and at 7pm both evenings in the Prayer Room. There will be light refreshments served at the evening services. Please call the church office at 344-2141 if you have any questions.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Jr. & Sr. High Summer Camp - July 28th - July 31st

Jr. and Sr. High schoolers are encouraged to come to North Star Bible Camp and experience the presence of God as we seek after Him together. Campers will leave City Church at 4:30 pm on the the 28th and return on the 31st @ 1:30 pm to City Church.

A Delightful Attitude
Clothes (4 day supply) & Two pairs of shoes
Toiletries (Especially deodorant)
Sleeping bag & pillow
Mosquito repellent & Sunscreen Bible and Notepad
Camera & snacks
Towel & Swim suit (modest please)

Don't bring:
Anything Illegal
Radios, TVs
MP3s, IPods
DVD Players, Walkmans

Camp cost is $125 and the food and lodging are excellent! Please call Pastor Shane at 344-2141 for more information. North Star Bible Camp's # is 495-6378. See ya there!

CHRISTS MC Send-off Show - Friday, July 14 @ ACC

Come hear what this up & coming Christian rap artist has to say about our Lord and Savior. He will be performing, as well as Young Jabez, Disciple C and more! The show will be from 7 - 10pm. All ages are welcome to attend this free event.

Monthly Potluck Picnic - Tuesday, July 25th @ ACC

Families...come out and enjoy the sunshine at our second picnic of the summer! If you missed the first one then this one is a must! Please bring a side dish to share and any type of meat you want grilled up for your family! (Don't forget buns if you bring hamburgers for grillin')

ACC provides the grills, hot dogs, drinks, games and prizes! The fun starts at 6:30 pm and goes until around 9:30. Please call the church office at 344-2141 if you have any questions.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Marriage Course Starts September 12 @ ALCC

God has given us the ability to bless future generations of our families through our marriages. Good marriages can build a legacy of multi-generational faithfulness into children. Work on your marriage by attending the ten-week Marriage Course presented by our friends at Abbott Loop Community Church starting September 12, 2006. You can register for the course by calling John or Janet Beier at 522-8542. Additional information appears in the ACC calendar.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Anchorage City Church Now On iTunes

iTunes, the popular music download program from Apple now carries Anchorage City Church sermons. This will allow iTunes users all over the world to easily subscribe to sermons and other audio information free from ACC.

One advantage of iTunes is that it automates the process of downloading audio information from the Internet and then uploading it to an iPod or other similar devices.

iTunes users can find "Good News from Anchorage City Church" in the "Podcast Directory." To find it, launch iTunes and click on "Podcasts" on the left side menu. Click "Podcast Directory" at the bottom of the window. Within the Podcast Directory there is a search box on the left side. Enter "Anchorage City Church" and press .

You can subscribe by clicking on the gray "subscribe" button. By subscribing, you can see the entire list of available sermons. Press "update" in the upper right at any time to see if new audio material is available. Press the gray "get" button to download a sermon. If you have an iPod or similar device, you can then easily upload the sermon for later listening.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Family Camp: Interview with Pastor Archibald Campbell

Why family camp? David Johnson talked to Anchorage City Church (ACC) Pastor Archibald Campbell about the camp this year, and asked why ACC members should consider going, about accomodations, how to get there, and more. Listen to the interview (2:23) here. You can also find additional information about the camp here in City Church News.

New to ACC, or considering ACC as a church home? You're welcome too!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

New Directions Moves into ACC's Building Saturday, June 24th

New Direction is a youth-oriented Christian church that was founded in 1996. They are a local church body based in Anchorage, Alaska. They are not part of a specific denomination but consider themselves to be a part of the larger universal Church which is comprised of all sincere followers of Jesus Christ.


They believe that the entire duty of mankind is summed up in two very simple commands - "Love God wholeheartedly and love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:34-40). To live this out in sincerity is the essence of the Christian life. They believe that God loves the entire human race and that He has offered forgiveness and blessing to all who sincerely seek Him (John 3:16 and Romans 10:12-13).

Some of New Direction's goals are:
  • To develop a Christian community made up of diverse people that are committed to loving God and loving each other.
  • To be a sincere representation of God's grace and mercy to people who don't know Him.
  • To build bridges with counter-culture youth that will enable us to speak God's words of life and hope to them.
  • To extend God's healing touch to hurting people.
  • To be obedient to Jesus' command to make disciples by teaching people how to follow Christ and live a life that is pleasing to Him.
If you can help New Direction with their move, please contact ACC at 344-2141.

ACC is excited about this blessed union between our church and New Direction. We are looking forward to doing God's work together.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Anchorage City Church To Ordain Women

Anchorage City Church has a history of ordaining women ministers. However, that ordination action was never to recognize Eph. 4:11 - gifts in the ordination process. The historical thought was that only men could be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. The elders of City Church have come to the conviction that recognizing the Eph.4 gifts in women is a very important action to take in the full releasing of ministries in our church.

This is from the first page of Women's Ministry, a document that describes City Church's journey in coming to its first ordination of a woman as a pastor.

You can read the entire 10 page document (PDF) here. We also talked about this issue at a special church family meeting on June 11, 2006. You can listen to an MP3 recording of that meeting here.

Monday, June 12, 2006

ACC Family Camp - July 7, 8 & 9th

Come enjoy the great outdoors with ACC!!!
Get away from it all at Family Camp! We will be camping at Alaska Christian Retreats on the 7th, 8th & 9th of July.

Both cabin and tent camping are available. Cabins are limited and are $30 per night (first come, first served basis) and tent space is $3 per night. Sign up now at the information table in the lobby or call the church office at 344-2141 to register. For a map to the campsite, info about the scavenger hunt and complete information, please pick up an information packet at the information table in ACC's lobby.

Ladies Bunko Night - Thursday, June 29th

Come play the dice game Bunko and have a great time while getting to know other ladies who attend ACC! The game night will take place at Kelli Van Horne’s home and dinner will be provided!!! Starts at 5:30 pm and ends at 8:30 pm. Space is limited to 24, so get directions to Kelli's house and sign up now at the information table in the lobby.

ACC Monthly Share-a-Dish Picnic - Tuesday, June 27th

Come have a terrific time with your church family from 6:30-9:30 pm here at ACC. Each family brings a side dish and whatever meat they want to grill up! ACC provides hotdogs and drinks and plenty of fellowship! There will also be games and fun activities for all ages!!! Hope to see you there!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Clothes Drive Continues...

A clothes drive for Church of God of Prophecy is starting today for their revival happening June 18-25. Drop clothes off at the information table in the lobby, or in the church office on or before June 16th.

Support the Sanctity of Marriage

Keep marriage in the state of Alaska sacred. Our State’s amendment to the Constitution defines marriage between a man and a woman. Send a postcard to our Senator and the House of Representatives in support of this amendment. Please see the information table in the lobby for postcards and details about this important petition.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Women's Farewell Gathering for the Tulsa City Church Women is on Friday, May 26th at 7pm!!!

All women are encouraged to come to this gathering to say farewell to our ACC sisters that are going to Tulsa. There will be coffee, tea and sweets to eat as we fellowship. We will also be signing women up for various opportunities to serve in ACC's womens ministry. The gathering will be held in the Prayer Room. Please register at the information table in the lobby or by calling the church office at 344-2141. There is no charge for this event.

Special Offering for Tulsa City Church on May 21st!!!

ACC will be having a special offering for the Tulsa City Church Team on Sunday, May 21st at both services. Please be in prayer as to how much to give. ACC wants to send this team off with an abundance to help them start their new church.

Celebrate Alaska takes place on Saturday, May 20th

All are welcome to attend this wonderful event. Celebrate Alaska is a gathering of native Alaskans and others who join together to celebrate the rich history of this great state. The festivities start at 4pm with a potlatch, and continue on with prayer for elders, native dance and worship as well as a special message for Alaska at 7:30 pm. For more information, please call the church office at 344-2141.

ACC's 2006/07 Roster Update Forms are Available

We are in the process of putting together our new church family roster. If you would like to be listed in the roster, or if any of your information has changed, please pick up a yellow form from an Usher or at the information table.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made the Bike Blessing event a success!!! We appreciate your hard work!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Auction & Spaghetti Feed - Sunday, April 30th

Come support the Tulsa City Church Team while enjoying a great meal! The activities will start after the 2nd service in the auditorium. The meal will consist of spaghetti, salad and garlic bread. Plates are $5 per person. Auction items will include everything from babysitting services to desserts.

The proceeds from this event will help the Tulsa City Church Team fund their trip to Oklahoma and also help provide for the start up of their church. If you have any items to donate to the auction please call Debbie or Bob Diskerud at 830-0554 for more information.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

ACC's New Family Life Pastors Have Arrived!!!

Archibald and Betsy Campbell have arrived and are still in need of many household items that are listed below. Please read more about the Campbells in the City Life Newsletter available at the information table in the lobby. If you have items to donate to them, please call the church office at 344-2141. Some major items that they are in need of are:
  • Bookshelves
  • Dressers & kid's room furniture
  • Computer & Computer Desk
  • Dishes, pots & pans
  • Sporting goods (skates, sleds, bikes, etc.)
  • Bike Trailer
  • Clothes, Coats & Boots

Thank you for your donation!

"The Gathering" Bike Blessing Event is on May 6th

Everyone get ready for this special event on May 6th starting at 9am in the ACC parking lot. This year ACC is expecting over 1600 bikes, trikes and hogs of various makes and models, to gather together to get prayed over. A Bike Parade will start heading down to the Park Strip at around 12:30 pm.

This year's Bike Blessing will feature live band performances from "Something Simple" and "Balico" as well as a live DJ from KAFC at ACC, and a booth from KLOVE radio station at the Park Strip. ARCTIC ATTACK stunt team will be on the scene demonstrating their talent for the crowd!

There will be complimentary muffins, doughnuts, pastries, coffee and juice. 100th Ave Espresso will have specialty coffee available for purchase.

The schedule of events for the day:
9am- 10:15:
  • Introduction and announcements
  • Registration of bikers
  • Performances by Arctic Attack Stunt team, the bands Balico and Something Simple.

10:30 am - 12noon:

  • Prayer by Lt. Governor Loren Leman
  • Special Presentation
  • Performances by bands and Arctic Attack

12noon - 2:00pm

  • Parade of riders depart to Park Strip
  • Park Strip Ceremony begins with Veterans Color Guard
  • Speech by Mayor Begich and Special Presentation
  • Group blessing over riders and bikes

Volunteers are still needed to help with set-up/clean-up, registration, bike parking and other areas. If you would like to volunteer or need more information about the event, please call Carol at 344-2141.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Summer Fun: Fellowship on a River

Every year I organize a river rafting trip for members of ACC and friends. Last year we explored the Nelchina and Tazlina river system, and this year we will do the same on the mighty Chulitna. This is a mild float trip that is suitable for children, pets and novice oarsmen. The camping areas are all unimproved wilderness areas, so you will need a tent, sleeping bag, and other camping equipment. However, I do have a private stash of extra stuff if you have need.

The trip is scheduled for four (or five) days, June 17 to20 (or 21). The Chulitna River flows from Broad Pass (near Denali Park), south to Talkeetna, then on the Big Susitna we float for another 15 miles to end at Sunshine. I also have a personal website for anyone wanting more info on rafting Alaskan rivers. http://paddling.jimstrutz.com You can also find photos and information from previous trips that we've done.

I still have a few spaces left in my boats for passengers and oarsmen, but but these may be spoken for soon. So if you are interested, let me know quick. Also, if you have access to a raft or other suitable craft, or are planning on coming and have extra space in you boat, let me know. These trips only get better with a larger group size. While this is primarily a Christian raft trip, we certainly welcome pre-Christians to join in the fun, so invite your neighbors.

Beacon University: Class of the Month

Every month we do a new class through Beacon Universtiy: Institute of Ministry. This month's class will be part II of Romans, and we will be looking closely at chapters 5-8. There is no requirement to have taken part 1 before this class, it stands on its own. The outline for this section is:

Free from Wrath - chapter 5
Free from Sin - chapter 6
Free from Law - chapter 7
Free from Death - chapter 8

The video classroom portion of this study will be presented on April 20 & 21 at 6:30 p.m., and April 22 at 8:30 a.m. The class is taught by Dr. Ron Cottle, one of the best Bible teachers to be found anywhere. This man knows the book of Romans better than just about anyone.

Come see me for more information and the text books, or email me at jim@accchurch.org

More "God Stuff" Bible Study

Just to keep you up to date, We've been studying historical arguments of theology, and how they relate to modern day religious groups. In a couple weeks we will turn to studying modern cults and heresies, and look for their historical roots.

If this seems interesting to you, we would love to see you on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bible Study Group - With Jim Strutz

Last night, Tuesday, we had our second Bible study with about a dozen or so people involved. We've started off investigating the arguments in chuch history. Most of these have to do with the nature of God, the church, and Jesus Christ. Since cults and fringe groups make most of their serious errors along these points, a careful examination of these 2000 year old arguments have a lot to do with contemporary issues.

So far we haven't gotten past the New Testament era, and have discussed Judaizers, legalism, conservatism, and liberalism. And I have to say, we've had a lot of fun doing it. While Judaizing isn't such a hot topic today, it is in reality a form of the common legalism that we do see so much of. Much of our time was spent discussing how easy it is to slip into patterns of legalistic thought and practice that are not truely godly. They just seem to be so.

Next week our plan is to discuss Gnosticism and it's present manifestation of New Age Religions. With a soon to be released movie, and current best seller based largely on a Gnostic view of Christianity and the Bible, this is certainly a contemporary issue.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, come join us at ACC, Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. We'll be meeting upstairs in room 207. Do a little preliminary research on Gnosicism if you have a chance, and we can discuss what we find.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Leadership Retreat - March 27th-31st at ACC

Beyond Borders is offering a Leadership Retreat at ACC from 9am - 4pm each day. The retreat is geared towards equipping leaders, as well as leaders in training to effectively serve and lead. The retreat is open to the congregation. Contact Craig Hyder at 344-2141 for retreat costs and more information.

Weekend to Remember - March 24th-26th

This marriage conference is designed to help you explore God's purpose for your marriage as you develop an exciting new outlook for your life together. The conference will be at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Anchorage. Contact Craig Hyder at 344-2141 to register.

Prophetic Musician Andre Ashby - March 24th-26th

Healing Rooms of Alaska hosts Prophetic Musician Andre Ashby in the ACC Prayer Room at 6pm for both evenings. Come and worship as God ministers to His people through this prophetic worship. Contact the Church office at 344-2141 for more information.

Men's Night Out - March 21st

Come out for a time of food, fellowship and to learn about how God can provide increase in your life. Contact Jim Lamson at 349-6140 for more information.