Wednesday, December 14, 2011

City Church Men: See Courageous on Friday, Dec 30

Guys: Anchorage City Church Men's Ministry invites you to dinner and a showing of Courageous, the movie, on Friday evening, December 30, at 7 PM.  You are welcome to bring your own young men (age 13 or older) or other young men as guests.  There is no charge, but donations to defray costs are welcome.  It is not necessary to be part of Anchorage City Church to participate.

Courageous is a landmark film about becoming the fathers God wants us all to be.  It's an exciting, fast-moving story, and we believe it will inspire your heart and encourage you toward  the next steps in your own journey of manhood.

While there is no cost, advance registration is necessary so we can prepare enough meals.  To register, please email and tell us how many are coming (e.g. I am coming and my 15 year old son and his friend are coming).

Please let us know you are coming no later than Wednesday, December 28!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

12-11-11 Video Announcements

12-11-11 Video Announcements from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Visit for more information.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Small Group Winter Semester Kickoff Planned for January 8th

Small groups are an important part of City Church life.  Hundreds of people in our church family are involved in these groups, and if you are not yet, there is a place for you!

On Sunday, January 8th, we'll be highlighting the value of doing life together in the groups and classes that form the small group wing of the church.  There will be opportunities to meet group leaders and find out more about our groups and classes.  We have purposely designed different types of groups to provide many different points of entry into community:
  • Life Together: These are groups with a focus of living the Christian life together in community. They usually meet in homes, and may be short or long term. Groups discuss Christian teaching, the previous week's sermon, or other discipleship materials. 
  • Life Issues: Groups existing to help individuals with issues in life; e.g. single parenting, sexual purity, marriage support, family finance, etc.
  • Life Service: Groups focused on service; e.g. prayer for ACC missions, providing cold weather shelter, food for the hungry, ushers, etc.
  • Life Study: Groups designed to deepen understanding of the Jesus-following life; e.g. study of a book of the Bible or other Christian material. 
  • Life Interests: Groups gathered around a specific interest; e.g. woodworking, hiking, motorcycles, fishing, etc
Many groups will be continuing after the winter break and welcome new members.  Others will be starting fresh.  

Want a preview of our groups?  You can always look on the ACC website for groups that are operating now and are coming together for the coming semester.  Caution: there are more groups coming that are not yet on the website!
Questions about small groups?  Call David Johnson at 907-344-2141 or email
What experiences have you had with small groups that have changed your spiritual life for the better?  You can join the conversation on small groups on our ACC Facebook Page.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What's the big deal about Advent?

What’s the big deal with Advent?

Advent is from the latin adventus and means coming. This is the time that the church celebrates the coming of Immanuel (God With Us). This is the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It marks the day when the world was turned upside down and Love came to conquer death. To steal a lyric it’s the most wonderful time of the year.

That’s why this year I wanted to lead us into a season of reflection and worship. My family and I encountered Advent Conspiracy through a small group last year and it was a starting place for our journey. What it did is allow us to take a step back and consider whether or not we were satisfied in our Christmas. We began to look at our activities and actions and evaluate whether they were worshiping Christ or whether they were more or less distracting to our worship of Christ.

For myself I am on a continual journey and process of recognizing places where my heart is trying to be satisfied without Jesus. What I find is that there is no lasting satisfaction, fulfillment or Joy outside of my life in Christ.

Galatians 2:20 says I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh i live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Without Christ I’m just breathing to death and when I recognize that he has given me life, his life through faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me I cannot help but be moved with love to want to please him. I want to please him all the time, but there is something brewing in me that makes me want to be especially mindful of pleasing Him on His birthday.

I hope that you’ll join in the journey to examine Christmas and take in the opportunity to Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More and Love all. This Advent we are free to worship Christ and I guarantee that Christmas will be more fulfilling the more room we make for Him to be the center of our celebration.

Want to find out more?

May you be satisfied in Christ this Christmas.

Rich Irwin III

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11-20-11 Video Announcements

11-20-11 Video Announcements from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Visit for more information.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11-13 Video Announcements

11-13-11 ACC Video Announcments from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Visit for more information.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Saturday Nov 12 Small Group Leader Training Postponed

The small group leader training session scheduled for tomorrow (Sat 11/12) has been postponed.  The training has been rescheduled for Saturday, December 3, 2011 and starts at 9 AM and ending by 3 PM.  Lunch will be provided.  Childcare is possible if arranged in advance. Pre-registration is required; please call David Johnson (ACC 907-344-2141) to register or for more information.

If you have a heart to serve in the Kingdom by leading an Anchorage City Church small group or class, this training session is a great way to learn the basics.   
The same training is being offered this coming Sunday (11/13, part 1) & Monday (11/14, part 2) evenings.  
Our Accelerate Turbo Group is another learning opportunity.  It is designed for people who would like to learn to lead groups by being part of a group.  This group starts in early January, and is both relational and educational.  The group lasts until spring.
For more information about any of the above please call David Johnson (ACC 907-344-2141).

Saturday, November 05, 2011

November 6, 2011 Video Announcements

11-06-11 ACC Video Announcements from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

visit for more information.

It. Is. Here!

Drumroll please!  Ladies and Gentlemen!  Our NEW website has officially been launched!  Go check it out!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

What? Our Blog Looks Different!

Hey City Church!
You may have noticed that our blog looks different than it used to. Why, you ask?

Because we're just about ready to launch our BRAND NEW WEBSITE!

Yes, it's true!  In a few short days our old website will be replaced with a new website (at the same address of course), so we figured our blog needed an update too.  Keep looking at this space for the official launch of the new!

Be blessed!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Get More from each Week's ACC Sermons

After each week's sermon, ACC is now producing and publishing a one-page discussion guide.  The purpose of these guides is to extend the value of the sermon to those who want to reflect further on what has been preached.

The guides are useful for both small group discussion and individual study and reflection.  You can find these guides early each week on the Anchorage City Church website. They are in an easy-to-print format.

Evidently they are interesting to our church family and the many others who listen online.  Since we began producing these guides in mid-August, there have been more than 600 downloads!

Want to be part of the team that produces these these each week?  It's an opportunity to serve others who want to deepen their discipleship.  If you would like to serve on the team, please contact David Johnson at the church office 344-2141 or contact him via email.

Here is an example from last Sunday:

The Main Point
It is time for us to step into our God-appointed purposes because we are in desperate need of leaders with backbone in all areas of our culture.

Life Application
When the Lord shows you the purposes for which He has raised you up, do what you need to do: tear down altars to idols; build a new one to the LORD your God and step out with courage into your calling.  This is not a time for compromise, it is a time for boldness!

Scriptures that relate to this message
  • Judges 6,  the story of Gideon
Some Questions for Discussion
  • The children of Israel struggled with syncretism, which in their case meant adding portions of the belief systems of the people around them to the unadulterated Word of God they received from Him via Moses.  In what ways do we struggle with syncretism today?
  • The LORD said to Gideon to tear down his father’s altar to Baal and his Asherah pole (6:25-26) and to build a proper altar.  We don’t have Baal altars and Asherah poles, but there are idols in our lives today.  What are they and how can we tear them down in our lives?  
  • In every family there are good things to pass on to the next generation.  But there are also things to “pull down” so that they are not passed to the next generation.  What needs to be pulled down in your family?
  • What has God put in your heart that you are afraid to do?  How can you step into your calling?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oct 23 Video Announcements

10-23-11 ACC Video Announcements from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Tons going on at City Church.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Up-close and Personal Coffee Time

Do you know the women of God that serve as leaders at Anchorage City Church? We are to know those who labor among us! We will have coffee time quarterly throughout the year where we will highlight our elders wives. Join us for some brunch, desserts, coffee and tea as we get to know Lindy Irwin and Deanna Ingalls. This will be in the Anchorage City Church prayer room from 11-1PM on Saturday, October 1st. Childcare will be provided. See you there!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

ACC/Abbott Loop Women's Night of Worship

Don't forget to join us as we come together with our sisters at Abbott Loop Community Church for an awesome night of worship and fellowship! This event will be held in the Abbott Loop auditorium at 7PM on Friday, September 30th. Make sure you invite a friend. You won’t want to miss this evening!

Winning at Work & Home for Men

Winning at Work & Home is a study for men starting this coming Wednesday, October 5th, at 7 PM here at City Church.  It's a 16-session DVD study with workbook that focuses on the two areas that are central to a man’s happiness: his career and his family.   
The series, part of Men's Fraternity, explores new ways a man can better engage and enjoy his work and more successfully relate to the woman in his life.

· What Men Need to Know About Women
· Grasping Life’s Universal Success Principle
· Improving Your Sex Life
· Increasing Your Personal Power at Work
· Four Keys to Maximum Parenting
· Wise Moves with Money in Your Marriage
· Connecting with the Heart of Your Wife
· Bringing Out the Best in Your Child
· Strengthening Communication with the Woman You Love
· A New View of Work
· Resolving Conflict and Other Relational “Static”
· A Lifetime Game Plan for Raising Sons and Daughters
· Love Languages that Connect You & Your Wife
· Discovering Personality Distinctives for Yourself and Your Family
· Best Practices of Successful Men
· Developing Long-Term Winning Strategies at Work & at Home
For more information contact
Vic Pearce 242-6823 or
Bert Mattingly 602-4353

Monday, September 19, 2011

ACC Small Groups & Classes Enrollment Still Open

Most Anchorage City Church small groups and classes remain open for you to investigate and sign up for! You can check out all of our groups and classes right here:  If you have questions, don't hesitate to call me (David Johnson) at 344-2141 or stop by the Connect Table at the back of the auditorium on Sundays.

Why take part in a group? Well, if you want to grow in your faith, it's one of the best ways around. God made us to live together and not surprisingly our spiritual and emotional growth is best when we are part of a group.

If you are looking for friends, getting together on a regular basis with a group of people is a great way to make some new ones. Here's a funny...but close to the look at life together when life happens (video produced by another church):

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Small Groups Promo

Small Groups Promo from Brant Olson on Vimeo.

A video shot to promote Small Groups at

Life Interests Groups @ City Church this Fall

If you want to connect in with others in the church based on specific interests, here are some possibilities to consider.  These are Fall 2011 groups at City Church.  You can find out more about each group by following the link, and you can sign up there as well.

Christ Centered Childbirth - This class is aimed to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy & birth as well as learn the deep spiritual roots and to prepare for the remarkable rite of passage of childbirth. Practical topics include choosing a care provider, nutrition for preventing complications, natural comfort measures, epidurals, surgical birth, breastfeeding & newborn baby care. Emotional/spiritual topics include overcoming fears, effects on your marriage and scripture study for a Christ-centered birth. $20 ($15 online)

Financial Peace University - More than one million families have attended Financial Peace University with amazing results. On average, these families paid off $5,300 in debt and saved $2,700 in just the first 90 days! Stop worrying about money, and start your journey to Financial Peace today. $110 ($100 on the ACC website) fee covers class costs, including workbook.  

Run for God - This group is for all adults who want to run for God! In fact, this group is designed for those who have never run, and if you have never run in your life, there is no better time to start than now. Be ready for a 5K road race in just 12 weeks, and learn how this sport relates to our faith in the process. You can register for the group online at the Anchorage City Church website.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

City Church Thursday Groups Fall 2011

Thursday nights are great for groups!  If it works for you, here are some groups that you might want to take a closer look at.  Remember, you can ask to join a group right here on-line.

Accelerate Turbo Group - Develop your leadership skills in this group designed specifically to teach small group leadership…..and have fun with new friends in the process. You don't have to lead a small group when this is over, but we think you will want to. :) Group members should be able to meet ACC leader standards (6 months at ACC, background check & application). Limit 12 participants.

Christ Centered Childbirth - This class is aimed to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy & birth as well as learn the deep spiritual roots and to prepare for the remarkable rite of passage of childbirth. Practical topics include choosing a care provider, nutrition for preventing complications, natural comfort measures, epidurals, surgical birth, breastfeeding & newborn baby care. Emotional/spiritual topics include overcoming fears, effects on your marriage and scripture study for a Christ-centered birth. $20 ($15 online)

College Age Group - This group is designed for young people in late teens and early 20's.

Estudio Biblico En Español - Spanish language Bible Study

Jacobson Home Group - Food, fellowship, faith and fun! We meet at our house and start with dinner each time we get together.

Run for God - This group is for all adults who want to run for God! In fact, this group is designed for those who have never run, and if you have never run in your life, there is no better time to start than now. Be ready for your first 5K road race in just 12 weeks, and learn how this sport relates to our faith in the process.  There is a group underway now.  The next group starts in early November. You can register for the group and pay for the group materials online at the Anchorage City Church website.  

Monday, September 05, 2011

Tuesday Evening Groups and Classes at ACC for Fall 2011

The women's ministry team has put together a nice selection of Bible studies for this fall, and there are other great groups worth looking into for our upcoming semester as well. Here's a list of Tuesday evening classes and groups:

Groups Meeting at ACC (1301 W 100th Ave / just off Minnesota). Child care is provided.
  • Financial Peace University - More than one million families have attended Financial Peace University with amazing results. On average, these families paid off $5,300 in debt and saved $2,700 in just the first 90 days! Stop worrying about money, and start your journey to Financial Peace today. Fee covers class costs, including workbook.
  • Freedom From the Grip of the Enemy - Have fear, worry or dread held you captive? Does the economy challenge your faith for finances? Are you snared by difficult relationships? Do you need new strategies for victory? This Bible study will shine the truthes of scripture on these and other problems women face. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
  • Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild - "Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild" is a Bible study based on the Prov. 7 woman the sage warns his son not to seek. "Wild" is what we are whenever we disregard God, & rely on the world's advice or what seems right in our own eyes. Join us to learn how to grow in spiritual discernment so you can spot the difference between wild & wise when it comes to right biblical attitudes, thought patterns & behavior for women. Topics include: habits, body language, roles, & appearance. $20 ($15 online)
  • Inner Healing Training - Training people to help others work through emotional issues in their life. Participants must have been through the Healing the Heart group to join. Contact Group Leader Roger Schoeniger before attending.
  • Prayer: What is It? Does it really Change Things? - The Bible says "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Prayer is one of our greatest resources. God has called every one of us to pray without ceasing. Men and women of past times were mighty prayer warriors. Our study is to move us to pray with all kinds of prayer and not faint and become praying Christians and not just working Christians. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
  • Single and Parenting - Here's a group designed especially for mom's and dad's who are soloing on the important work of raising kids. Registration fee of $20 ($15 online) covers class expenses including workbook. Register at
Other groups meeting on Tuesday nights:
  • Eastham Home Group - We're a group of married couples gathering weekly for fellowship and to discuss the previous week's sermon over snacks. Kids are welcome the first two weeks and then we'll try to arrange a child care system.
Click the links above to find out more info about the groups. You can also contact the group leader through via these links and sign up for the group. You can register for groups with a fee on the Anchorage City Church website.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Small Groups for Men @ City Church, Fall 2011

Continuing on with highlights for the coming fall semester in our small groups, here are groups specifically for men:
  • Faithful & True for Men - The reason for our existence is to glorify God; to use our lives to display the worth and value of Jesus Christ as supreme, above all things. This class seeks to teach the Word of God as it pertains to sexual sin & integrity. This isn't just for those who are struggling with sexual sin; it's for all men, as we all deal with this battle in our lives. The group will meet every other Sunday. < 18 with parent permission. Contact us for location:
  • Men's Fraternity - Men's Fraternity is a series of 3 year-long studies, beginning with Quest for Authentic Manhood, followed by Winning at Work and Home, ending with The Great Adventure. Men's Fraternity provides men with an encouraging process that teaches how to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus and directed by the Bible. For fall 2011 and winter semesters we are working through Winning at Work and Home. $25 registration ($20 online
  • Men's Prayer Breakfast - Join the guys for breakfast before beginning the day's tasks. Food is provided. Conversation about the Christian life and prayer.
See our small groups page for more information about all groups and how City Church groups work.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

ACC Fall 2011 Small Group Highlights: Women's Groups

As the Fall semester approaches, I want to highlight various of our 30ish City Church groups. You'll have a chance to see these in the Groups & Classes bulletin insert on Sunday, but you can also take a look online right now using our groups locator. Today we'll take a look at groups for women:
  • Finding the Hero in Your Husband - There is a hero in your husband, just waiting to be found. Join this group for women and we will explore how we as wives can help our guys find that hero within themselves. This twelve week course costs $10 per person for the book. The book is easy to read, easy to apply and has the study guide questions right in the back of the book.
  • Freedom From the Grip of the Enemy - Have fear, worry or dread held you captive? Does the economy challenge your faith for finances? Are you snared by difficult relationships? Do you need new strategies for victory? This Bible study will shine the truths of scripture on these and other problems women face. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
  • Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild - "Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild" is a Bible study based on the Prov. 7 woman the sage warns his son not to seek. "Wild" is what we are whenever we disregard God, & rely on the world's advice or what seems right in our own eyes. Join us to learn how to grow in spiritual discernment so you can spot the difference between wild & wise when it comes to right biblical attitudes, thought patterns & behavior for women. Topics include: habits, body language, roles, & appearance. $20 ($15 online)
  • Ladies Night Out - Dinner out with mid-life women, limit of 6, who want to establish a friendship. Dinner would be at a restaurant.
  • Mom's Club - Mom's Club is for all moms, especially those with children at home. The group meets Friday mornings 10am-noon through the school year. Come share in the great topics relating to our everyday lives as moms, wives and women. Gain new and grow old friendships, relax with 2 hrs of FREE childcare, as well as enjoy a delicious breakfast and yummy coffee! Like 'City Church Mom's Club' on Facebook!
  • Prayer: What is It? Does it really Change Things? - The Bible says "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Prayer is one of our greatest resources. God has called every one of us to pray without ceasing. Men and women of past times were mighty prayer warriors. Our study is to move us to pray with all kinds of prayer and not faint and become praying Christians and not just working Christians. $15 ($10 online) registration fee.
The Fall small group kickoff is on Sunday, September 11. Group leaders will be at tables around the foyer and you can find out more about groups during this time, as well as sign up to be in the group. Can't wait? You can contact group leaders right now using the groups locator!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Take a Look at City Church Groups and Bible Studies for Fall

Community is a big deal at Anchorage City Church. We strongly believe that we grow best in our spiritual lives when we take part in the large group gatherings on Sundays, and in small groups that know us well; groups that meet on other days during the week.

Because of that conviction, this Fall City Church is sponsoring more than 30 groups of all kinds. Our groups and classes are in the final stages of formation for the upcoming semester, and you are welcome to take a look!

We have a new online resource that allows you to look at the groups and Bible studies we have -- and even ask to join in. We update this resource frequently, and while there are several more groups that are not quite ready to be in the directory, most groups are now online, and we invite you to look them over.

Here's where you can take a look:

If you want to sign up now for a group, you are welcome to do so now through this online system. Our small group kickoff Sunday is September 11, and group leaders will be all around the foyer to tell you about their you can wait until then, too.

If you have questions about ACC groups, please call Pastor David Johnson 907-344-2141 x12.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New ACC Shuttle Bus

Our three older church vans have served us well over the several years we have owned them. As they have aged, they have required increasing maintenance, however, and we have been looking around for something newer and more reliable.

This past week our business manager, AZ Suarez, completed the deal on a new-to-us shuttle van, complete with church information decals on the side. Here are a couple of pictures. It looks great!

Each Sunday, ACC drivers pick up church family members that don't have their own vehicles and bring them to the second service. That's not the only use. The vans are also used during the week for New Direction Resource Center, the youth group and more.

If you would willing to serve in this ministry, please contact AZ at the church office, 344-2141.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Run for God Group Starts This Summer

The Apostle Paul compares our lives of faith to running a race. Runners know the discipline and joy of running. On July 28, you can start the process of being a better witness for Jesus physically, mentally and spiritually....and in 12 weeks you will likely be ready for a 5K marathon here in Anchorage!

Run for God is a City Church group that meets on Thursday evenings at ACC for scripture, brief study and prayer...and then running!

There is a $30 fee ($25 online) to cover some of the costs of the group, including a book valued at $20.

Run For God – The 5K Challenge book is a practical guide to running and a 12-week training plan aimed at running a 5K, but with a Christian focus. Although people run for many different reasons, this book is for those who make God the center of their lives—or need to be reminded to do so. The tone is conversational and accessible, and the workout plans, discussion questions, and Bible verses make it both a practical resource and a workbook for individuals and groups, especially beginning runners. From advice about shoes and Christian music for one’s MP3 player, to tips on race etiquette, the book will be useful and inspirational.

Run For God – The 5K Challenge is part bible study and part training program. The primary goal is to learn to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ while understanding the parallels of enduring a sport like running and enduring your faith.

This group is for all adults! In fact, this study is designed for those who have never run, and if you have never run in your life, there is no better time to start than now.

Be ready for your first 5K road race in just 12 weeks, and learn how this sport relates to our faith in the process.

For more information, see the ACC Run for God group information page. You can make payment for the group online at the Anchorage City Church website.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Small Groups => Big Impacts

Want to make new friends and grow your spiritual life at the same time? In a large church like ours, the best way is to join a group!

There are five kinds of groups at City Church: life study, life issues, life service, life interest, and life together. Whether a Bible study, a prayer group, a photography class, or serving in our food shelf ministry, all offer opportunity for making friends and connecting in to the life of the church. Being around other believers encourages us to grow in our lives in Christ.

We want to continue to make all of these opportunities for connection available, and we want provide even more opportunities than ever for individuals and families to connect in life together groups, or home groups, as they are sometimes called. For the fall semester, we are making life together groups even easier with suggested study guidelines from the Sunday's sermons.

If you have a heart to be part of this ministry team, we invite you to look into small group leadership. You can see our leader application form here. If you are interested in becoming a City Church small group leader, join us at our next leader training session, Sunday evening, July 10 from 6:45-9:15 PM for part 1 and again Monday evening at the same time for part 2. We will be offering the same training from 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, August 20.

Perhaps you would like to be part of a group of friends growing together in your spiritual life, but you don't have the time or inclination to lead a group....but you DO have a good-sized home. Not every small group leader has enough space, and your willingness to team up with a leader can provide a place to make a new group possible!

But maybe you aren't ready to be a leader or a host, and just want to be IN a small group! Fall semester small groups start in earnest the week of September 11. There will be about three dozen groups of various kinds to choose from. Stay tuned for more information!

If you would like more information about any of these items, please contact Pastor David Johnson at 952-6645.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

7-3-11 Announcemetns

Video Announcements for ACC (7-3-2011) from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Video Announcements for Anchorage City Church.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Farewell Lunch for the Gray Family!

On July 17th, after the second service, we will be having a farewell lunch for the Gray family as they transition into this new season. Bring your favorite dish to share as we fellowship and send this awesome family off right!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bus Ministry

City Church Bus Ministry

Did you know that City Church offers rides to our noon service on Sunday's??? YES, yes we do.
It is a great and safe way to come to Sunday celebration services. So if you or someone you know that does not have a form of transportation, call us by Friday 4pm at 344.2141 and schedule your pick up.

And when you see our bus drivers (Willie Saulnier, Martin Seale, JoJo Posey, John Hoopes & Juan Adolfo Suarez) say hello and thank them for their continue dedication to this terrific ministry.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Training for New ACC Group Leaders Saturday 6/25

City Church groups are a great place to make new friends and grow in our spiritual lives. Leaders and hosts help make that happen. We want to provide many opportunities for our church family to connect, and that means many leaders and hosts!

If you want to investigate how you could be part of the team as a group leader, please join us next Saturday, June 25, at 9 AM-3 PM in the Prayer Room upstairs for a training for new leaders. Lunch is included.

Or, perhaps you have a big home and would enjoying being be part of the team as a host. For more information about either, contact Pastor David Johnson 952-6645 at

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Thursday Nights @ City Church: 51 hours away....

Just 51 hours now to our first Thursday Night @ City Church for 2011! We will start each evening at 6 PM with a potluck dinner. After dinner, we'll move into groups. This year we have these three options:
  • Ephesians Bible Teaching with Dr. Jim Strutz
  • The Marriage Course led by David & Linda Johnson (pre-registration required)
  • Paternidad Positiva a 9 week positive parenting workshop in Spanish led by Victor & Carmen Romero

Monday, June 06, 2011

New Edition of CityLife Now Available

CityLife, ACC's quarterly newsletter, is now available online and in small numbers at the Information Desk. Click here to download your copy.

This months articles include:

* Bike Blessing Ministry
* Note from Editor: Transitions
* Bulletin Board
* Small Group Focus: City Church Thursday Nights
* Practice Hospitality
* The Kingdom Impact of a Smile
* It’s Greek to Me - Theology Column by Dr. J.
* Pastors Corner: Featuring Aaron Gray
* Calendar of Events

Sunday, June 05, 2011

6-5 Video Annoucements

Video Announcements for June 5, 2011 from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Visit for more information about events at Anchorage City Church.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

PICNIC - June City Church Picnic

You are all invited to the 2011 City Church Picnic!!!

We will be gathering on June 11th at 11AM for food, games and other fun stuff. FUN FUN FUN! ! !

We have rented the Abbott Loop Community Park, we got a really beautiful chalet and the ball field reserved, also we have reserved a huge Bouncy Castle, and we mean Castle for the kidos.

City Church will bring the burgers, hot dogs, buns and condiments, but please if you can bring a side dish, stuff to put on the burgers and hot dogs or a dessert to share; you are also welcome to bring other sports gear and things to share.

The park is located on Elmore Rd. just north of Abbott Rd, you will see it on the right hand side.

For questions call Suzie or A.Z. at the church office @ 344.2141

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 22 ACC Video Announcments

May 22 City Church Announcements from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Video announcements for
twitter - @anchcitychurch

Monday, May 16, 2011

Food Shelf Volunteer Opportunity!

Did you know that we serve hundreds of people every second Saturday of the month? We are feeding more people than ever before....and need YOUR help! On May 19th come volunteer by packing food from the Food Bank for our food shelf. Last year we received a ton of food from this food drive and hope for even more this year! Call Mike or Debbie Jacobson @ 344-3304.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Turn Up the Heat on Your Marriage This Summer

Yes, you CAN turn up the heat on your marriage! Join us during eight weeks in June and July for The Marriage Course.

This is an eight week course designed to help any marriage improve. Whether your marriage is a "10" or a "3", you'll find these sessions practical and encouraging for the two of you. The course is open to every married couple whether part of City Church or not.

The sessions will be concurrent with Thursday Nights at ACC, our mid-week summer gatherings during June and July. Each evening will consist of a potluck dinner with the large group gathered in the City Church auditorium. After dinner, we'll go to the classroom for teaching and couple interaction. Each session includes practical exercises that man and wife go through quietly together.

There is a $15/person class fee that covers the cost of materials. The fee is only $10/person with online registration and payment before June 2nd. Childcare will be available. Read more about the course on the ACC website. Class size is limited to 12 couples, so please register early.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Schedule at Anchorage City Church

Good Friday: We are participating in the Community Wide Good Friday Service at West High School Auditorium. That will be at 7 PM. There will be no Good Friday service at ACC.

Easter Egg Hunt: Bring your kids to track down hundreds of eggs with candy! 11 AM Saturday in the ACC parking lot. Bring boots; the field is wet.

Easter Sunday: Three services: 8 AM, 10 AM and Noon. Come as you are, and bring the family. Check in your children right away and they go upstairs immediately to their classes.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011



The first event of this year is BIKER SUNDAY on May 1st, there will be motorcycles inside the church building to do a kick off to motorcycle riding, and a very cool message by Lead Pastor Richard Irwin. May 1st at 9:30am & 12:00pm.

The second event is the BIKE BLESSING & THE GATHERING on Saturday May 7th from 10:00am to 2:00pm. This fantastic annual event will be held at the Downtown Park Strip on 10th Ave and I st. This is the kick off for the 2011 motorcycle riding season and promote motorcycle safety with the whole community. This is what you can expect: activities for kids like bouncy castle, face painting and other fun stuff for the fam, food vendors, motorcycle vendors, merchandise, good music, coffee, and hundreds and hundreds of cool motorcycles, in 2009 we had over 1,000 motorcycles present. There will be free designated parking for cars, and special VIP parking for motorcycles, just follow the signs.
This event is FREE.

The third and ongoing activity is the bi-weekly motorcycle riding. This will begin on Tuesday May 10th and departing from the City Church parking lot at 6:30pm, so be here with some time. The destination varies each time and normally ends around 9pm. This is open for everyone who has any kind of motorcycle and to all riding skills from beginner to experienced. Usually we stop for food or coffee and just have a good time. For more ride schedule dates visit and look at the calendar on the main page.

For more info on any of these events please call City Church at 344.2141 and ask to speak with A.Z. We hope to see you all there.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

4-10-11 ACC Announcements

4-10-11 Announcements for ACC from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Easter is a busy time for any church. Here are the video announcements for Anchorage City Church.
twitter @anchcitychurch

Monday, April 04, 2011

City Wide Good Friday Service

Come celebrate the Cross with believers from all over the city. Friday, April 22nd from 7:00-8:30pm, at the West High School Auditorium. You won't want to miss out on this evening!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Richard Irwin - Transitions

Richard Irwin - Transitions from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Lead Pastor Richard Irwin provided this brief message on video to describe some important transitions at Anchorage City Church. He had talked about this earlier in his message of March 13 but wanted to say it again for those who might have missed it then.

The first transition is that Pastor David Johnson is moving into a new role designed to ramp up pastoral care at City Church. Second, Pastor Rich Irwin will take the Executive Pastor position in which he will lead the day-to-day programs of the church and the staff. Lead Pastor Richard Irwin will continue to provide overall church leadership.

No other staff positions are changing at this time. However, the third transition will come later this year as Pastor Aaron Gray will be moving with his family to the Seattle area for additional training in ministry, specifically as it relates to church planting. Aaron spoke briefly about the changes coming up for him and his family at the beginning of the message on March 27 and also in his blog as well.

March 27 Video Announcements

March 27 Video Announcements from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Video Announcements for Anchorage City Church

Summer Teaching Team

Be a part of the Children's Ministry Teaching Team this summer! Sign up in the foyer this Sunday for at least one Sunday a month, from may-August. Bring some "Son-sine" to our kids' lives. For more information, call Terri at 301-8820.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Donate for Japan Relief

The Japanese people have been hit with devastating earthquakes, a damaging tsunami and threat of nuclear radiation exposure. Samaritan's Purse is already on the ground in Japan providing relief supplies in hard hit communities with the cooperation of Japanese Christian volunteers. An additional 747 with many more tons of supplies flew to Japan late last week, and more aid is being organized. Fewer than 0.5% of Japanese are Christians. Providing help in this desperate time demostrates the love of Jesus in a very tangible way. To contribute to the relief effort, visit

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Video Announcements for March 20, 2011

March 20 Announcements from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

All shot on the iPhone 4 with audio recorded separately on a second iPhone 4. Grading done with Magic Bullet Looks.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tune up Your Marriage at the Weekend to Remember

Weekend to Remember will be just that for you and your spouse at the March 25-27 conference in Anchorage. City Church couples who have participated in this annual marriage weekend in the past have come away from it with new tools for building a marriage that works well. Seasoned national presenters provide practical wisdom and insights that will get you the two of you talking, thinking, strategizing and laughing. It's a deeply worthwhile investment in your marriage....grab this opportunity if you can!

For more information you can take a look at the Family Life Weekend to Remember website. City Church couples can register at a discounted rate. Please call the church office at 344-2141 for details on that.

New CityLife Newsletter Available Online

The most recent City Life newsletter is now available online for download. The newsletter team has done another great job with the spring issue. We think you will find it well worth the read! Here is what is included in this issue:
  • Healing the Heart
  • City Church Periphery
  • Note from Editor: Honor
  • Bulletin Board
  • Small Group Focus: Theology with the Grays
  • City Church Business: Giving Kiosk
  • Pastors Corner: featuring Rich Irwin
  • Calendar of Events

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

AK House of Prayer Conference 2011


Come and experience Gods presence as we share a time of worship, teaching and prayer while seeking Gods vision for Anchorage and the great state of Alaska!

Schedule of Events:

Fri March 25 7pm - 9pm Evening Session
Sat March 26 9am- 11am Worship with the Word
11am - noon Morning Session
2:30 - 3:30pm Afternoon Session
4pm - 6pm Intercession Set for the City of
Anchorage & the state of Alaska *

*Childcare provided for 4-6 Intercession Set

All sessions are FREE!

More info: or 907-360-2567
Facebook: Alaska House of Prayer

The Alaska House of Prayer is a mission base organization that is committed to praying for the release of the fullness of God’s power and purpose for the state of Alaska. We are individuals who have responded to the call of God to live a lifestyle of intercession and to engage the Body of Christ to pray. We are not part of a specific denomination but consider ourselves to be a part of the global body of Christ, which is comprised of all sincere followers of Jesus. We are an Alaska-focused ministry that directly and indirectly serves the people and regions of Alaska through prayer and outreach.

Monday, March 07, 2011

City Wide Good Friday Service

Come celebrate the Cross with believers from all over the city. Friday, April 22nd from 7:00-8:30pm, at the West High School Auditorium. You won't want to miss out on this evening!

Friday, March 04, 2011

Choose Respect March

On Thursday, March 31 from Noon - 1:00pm YOU can make a difference! Come take a stand against domestic violence, sexual abuse, and child abuse. Alaska leads the nation in all three. Marches will be held statewide, in more than 40 communities, to mark the beginning of Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Awareness Month. The march will begin at the Park Strip (9th and F Street) and will end at Town Square. For more information check out

Monday, February 28, 2011

Children's Ministry I-ss-cream for Spring Family Extravaganza

Join us for the I-ss-cream for Spring Family Extravaganza! Saturday, March 19 from 10-12pm in the Prayer Room. Ice cream. Games. Fun! $5.00 per family. Tickets are available at the Information Counter.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feb 27 Video Announcments

2/27/11 ACC Announcements from Anchorage City Church on Vimeo.

Video Announcements for Anchorage City Church February 27, 2011.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Register Now for Youth Winter Camp!

Register now for Winter Camp! The Camp is Friday March 4 - Sunday March 7.

Are you ready for awakening and personal revival? No matter where you are in life, God wants to pour His love into you! This years’ camp will be at North Star Bible Camp. It’s one of the best camps out there, with some incredible food, newly remodeled rooms, great outdoor activities, and much more! Camp will be from March 4th-March 7th, and the cost is $110

Here is more information about the camp, along with permission slip that must be signed and brought with your teen. You can register and pay for the camp online at the ACC website.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Serve the City with ACC's Cold Weather Emergency Shelter for Homeless Families Team

Anchorage City Church's Cold Weather Emergency Shelter for families program is a trailblazing opportunity to serve the City. When existing shelters run out of room for homeless families on cold winter nights, the church shelter team steps up to the plate and stays overnight at the church building to care for them. The team works from approximately 8 PM until 8 AM the following morning. The City Church shelter is open Friday and Saturday nights, but service opportunities are also available at ChangePoint on Thursday and Sunday nights. CrossPoint church members are also serving with the ACC team.

For additional information about the team or to apply, please contact pastors David Johnson or Janice Ridgeway at 344-2141 (office).

Monday, February 14, 2011

Alaska House of Prayer - Anchorage

Just in case you forgot...Alaska House of Prayer - Anchorage is now established and is meeting in the Anchorage City Church santuary on Monday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Currently we are holding a weekly two hour prayer meeting with the intention to expand prayer room hours in the future. The meeting is open to all believers and all denominations and child care is currently available. The vision for the House of Prayer is to gather God's people together as one church to pray and seek the Lord, and that the fullness of His power and purposes will be released in the earth. We desire to work with the unified Body of Christ to serve the great commission as we seek to walk out the two great commandments to love God and to love people. For more information please contact Sherry Laurie at or Paula Gray at

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Monday, February 07, 2011

Serve on the Welcome Team

The welcome team has volunteer opportunites available now for both Sunday services! This is a great opportunity to serve our congregation and to make our guests feel welcome. For more information please contact Harry McFarland at 947-8187 ( or Dan Murakami at 441-7561.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Worship Leader Training

This is an eight week class on worship and music in the church. This intensely practical workshop is designed to help musicians and singers become proficient in the skills needed to function in a church worship environment. This class will be held at City Church beginning February 20th on Sundays from 4-6pm. There will be a $10 cost to cover the printing and materials. Contact Aaron Gray at 344-2141 or email him at

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Small Groups Winter 2011: Connection Opportunities

Small groups are in full gear for the winter term at Anchorage City Church: home groups, theology, Bible study, men's groups, men's breakfast, estudio Biblico En Espanol (Spanish language Bible Study), prayer, Healing the Heart, and addiction recovery are just a few. If you are not already part of a group we invite you to look through the list and see where you can connect in.

See the list of groups in the Winter/Spring 2011 Small Groups catalog here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Youth Winter Camp!

Are you ready for awakening and personal revival? No matter where you are in life, God wants to pour His love into you! This years’ camp will be at North Star Bible Camp. It’s one of the best camps out there, with some incredible food, newly remodeled rooms, great outdoor activities, and much more! Camp will be from March 4th-March 7th, and the cost is $110. Please contact Mike Carrier at for permission slips and more information, or contact the church office at 344-2141.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Healing The Heart, January 23-30

Healing The Heart is designed to give a person an understanding of why they cope with pain, disappointments, insecurities and ambitions in the ways that they do. These teachings deal with wounds and hurts that we have all received in life and how they have affected our personalities. Biblically based, it's practical benefits are immeasurable to those who choose to open themselves to the Holy Spirit. This workshop has been liberating, healing and helpful to many. The workshop concludes with an application time in which you will be given an opportunity to apply these principles to your own life through self-disclosure. Register online at Dates: January 23-30, $170 per person ($160 if paid in full online) Contact Roger Schoeniger for more information at 344-2141.

Friday, January 14, 2011

How and Why to Fast with the Church Jan 17-23

City Church fasts and prays three times a year. Our first weekly fast for 2011 starts Tuesday, January 17 and ends on Sunday, January 23.

Here are some notes about this first fast of the year from Lead Pastor Richard Irwin.

2010 was a year of expanding and launching of new ministries, i.e. Anchorage Vineyard Early Learning Center, small groups, Beacon Hill, and Homeless Shelter. God provided in numerous miraculous ways. 2011 is a year of developing more leaders to continue the expansion of ministry. It is a year of strengthening in every area. This is a year of making preparing and engaging in spiritual warfare!
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on
the breastplate of righteousness., and as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and eh sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God., praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. - Eph.6:10 –20
Here are the prayer focus points for this week:
1. Healing of physical diseases, deliverance of life dominating issues and restoration of families.
2. Identification and training of additional elders and deacons
3. Identification and training of small group leaders
4. Consideration of second City Church campus in the city so as to allow for growth in our children’s ministries as well as our small groups and classes since we are now at capacity in our classrooms.
5. The launching of the Alaska House of Prayer
6. Fine tuned focus in ministry for 2011.
You can read more on our website about fasting, including the "Daniel fast", one way that those who are unable to totally abstain from food are still participate in the fast.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quest Men's Study Group

The Quest Men's study group kicks off the second half this Wednesday night at 7pm. The first half forcused on looking back at events and people that shaped who we are. The second half begins focusing on where we are now and looking toward the future. It's a great time to join the group! Topics include God's vision for men, a man and his wife, being a servant leader in the home, fathers and sons, and fathers and daughters. The main goal is to help men more clearly see God's vision for them. Cost for the second half is $15 and the series goes through April 13th. Contact Vic Pearce at 242-6823 with questions.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Small Group Start-Up

Our new semester of small groups kicks off on January 23rd! Make sure to check out all the great small groups coming up this semester to find the one that best fits you. Small groups are a great way to get connected in the church. Contact Rich or Aaron for more information, 344-2141.