Thursday, December 24, 2009

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service Tonight at 6 PM

Join us at 6 PM this evening for a candlelight Christmas Eve service at Anchorage City Church. This evening's service includes traditional Christmas hymns, the Christmas story, and a communion service and individual candle lighting. Hot cider and cookies will be out after the approximately one hour service.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Women's Bible Study Updates

Women’s Bible Study
Ladies we are launching our winter semester bible study in January. We will journey with Beth Moore through the newly revised Breaking Free. Through Scripture you will discover the transforming power of Christian freedom. God intends for you to know and believe Him, glorify Him, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence. FOR FREEDOM CHRIST SET US FREE..NO LONGER BE ENTANGLED IN A YOKE OF BONDAGE (Galatians 5:1).
The dates are:
Tues. Night – 6:30-8:30 Jan. 5– March 30th
Friday Morning - 9 am – Noon Jan. 8 – April 2nd
Tues Morning 9-Noon, Jan 12-Apri 6th
The cost is $25.00 for materials. Stop by the information desk and sign up today.

Beacon Hill Updates

Beacon Hill
On Behalf of Beacon Hill and Anchorage City Church we would like to express our sincere thanks for the generosity so many people have shown for families in need in Anchorage- we have so many donations for our Beacon Hill temporary homeless program that we cannot contain them- literally! Your generous donations of needed items are being put to good use, and we have stored as much as we can at this point, so the only items that are needed are:
twin sized blankets and comforters
We do continue to need financial sponsors for our single mothers with children- your one time or monthly financial gift will help us pay the lease and utilties for our facility, even $25 a month helps us greatly!
Thank you for your generosity and continued prayers for Beacon Hill and Anchorage’s homeless families in need. God bless you!

Reason Youth Group

Youth Group
Our Youth Group is called Reason and it meets on Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm. This is for students ages 12-19. Come hang out, worship and hear God’s word in a way that’s relevant to teens. For more information call Shane or Rhae at 344-2141.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Additional Parking is Available at ACC

We have opened up additional parking during the winter months in a roped-off, plowed area on the grass on the Minnesota side of the church building. You can pull into the area at the entrance to the church grounds and park at a slight angle nose into the ropes on both right and left side. There are also two exits that adjoin the paved parking area.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Van Ministry!

Van Ministry Growing! -- By the time 2009 comes to an end, the ACC van ministry will have made almost 300 pick ups! We’re grateful for the dedication of drivers Jeremiah Putnam, Mark Nadig, Martin Steel, Willy Saulnier and others who have faithfully picked up church family members who could not otherwise be with us on Sunday, Now, Van Ministry Leader Tony Viviano has a vision to expand this growing outreach even further into the community. To make this possible, Tony is looking for a few men and women with good driving records to join the team. A larger team will make it possible to run both vans and pick up people at even greater distances from the church. For more information, call Tony at 240-2178.
People Need to Eat

Neighborhood GIFT!

Bless your neighbors with gifts of food and toys this holiday season! The faith community is joining together this holiday season to collectively distribute food and toys to those in need. We will be setting up on Dec. 21st and distributing the 22nd. We still have opportunity for over 100 volunteers for this event, so be sure and sign up at the information counter on Sunday. To recieve food, please call ACC at 344-2141 to find out where your location for pick up would be.

Women's Bible Study Resumes Soon!

Ladies we are launching our winter semester bible study in January. We will journey with Beth Moore through the newly revised Breaking Free. Through Scripture you will discover the transforming power of Christian freedom. God intends for you to know and believe Him, glorify Him, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence. FOR FREEDOM CHRIST SET US FREE..NO LONGER BE ENTANGLED IN A YOKE OF BONDAGE (Galatians 5:1).
The dates are:
Tues. Night – 6:30-8:30 Jan. 5– March 30th
Friday Morning - 9 am – Noon Jan. 8 – April 2nd
Tues Morning 9-Noon, Jan 12-Apri 6th
The cost is $25.00 for materials. Stop by the information desk and sign up today.

Jr. High Sunday School Resumes

Jr. High Sunday School is back. Class will be held in room 209 during the message time for both services.

Family Christmas Celebration!

Saturday, December 19th 7-8:30pm we will be having a Family Christmas Celebration that will include a pageant for the kids, a family craft and refreshments. Bring your family and celebrate together. For more information contact Terri Thurston @ 344-2141.

Beacon Hill Updates

(Our program to help homeless single mothers and children)

1. Jazz benefit concert by local professional musicians on Dec. 20th – silent auction and goodies as well come celebrate and raise money for Beacon Hill
2. We currently have about $750/month in commitments for monthly sponsorships. We are in need of $5750/mo. We have monthly contribution forms for people to fill out at the information desk.
3. Praise report- Some plumbers donated their time/resources and were able to fix the hot water heater and boiler. We are going to hold off on replacing them until they can’t be fixed again.
4. We are hoping to have families moved in by mid-January. God is giving us wisdom and counsel as we go. The board and management committee are being diligent to make sure we are prepared.
5. Support Family (previously called Mentor Family) training will begin mid-January. If you have not already signed up and are interested, please contact Janice at the church.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Practical Positive Parenting

Build a strong foundation for your family with six weekly workshops starting with family dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by a group study of family needs, such as: Child Development, Character Development, Family Communication, Behavior Changes, Positive Discipline, and Understanding Challenging Behaviors. From 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM there will be activities and care for the children, as well as sessions for teens.

Two locations are offering this course: Faith Christian Community Church on January 20th through February 24th, 2010, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Or Mountian View Elementary School starting on January 19th - February 23rd, 2010, same times.
Cost is $25 per family. For info or to register call 272-8760. Presented in partnership with Alaska Christian Ministries and Alaska Injury Prevention Center.

Monday, November 30, 2009

ACC Van Ministry Growing!

By the time 2009 comes to an end, the ACC van ministry will have made almost 300 pick ups! We’re grateful for the dedication of drivers Jeremiah Putnam, Mark Nadig, Martin Steel, Willy Saulnier and others who have faithfully picked up church family members who could not otherwise be with us on Sunday. Now, Van Ministry Leader Tony Viviano has a vision to expand this growing outreach even further into the community. To make this possible, Tony is looking for a few men and women with good driving records to join the team. A larger team will make it possible to run both vans and pick up people at even greater distances from the church. For more information, call Tony at 240-2178.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Invisible Children Benefit Concert

On Friday, November 13th, one of ACC's small groups (called Revo Anchorage) is hosting a benefit concert at UAA to raise money and awareness for the organization Invisible Children. Invisible Children is a non-profit organization that exposes the tragic realities of child soldiers in Uganda and works to restore the education system in East Africa.

Revo Anchorage is partnering with Anchorage artists to provide a night of music and entertainment, and will be showing a portion of the "Invisible Children" documentary film at the event. The concert/film screening begins at 7pm and the cost is $10 at the door. For more information, contact Kristal Larios via email:


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Daylight Savings Time

REMEMBER! This Sunday is the end of Daylight Savings Time. Time to set your clocks...back 1 hour. Enjoy your extra hour!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Erin Lynn Gray is looking to recruit a group of people to serve the youngest members of our church family in the nursery. If you are looking for a fun and easy way to get involved in the church, look no further. Volunteering in the nursery is also a great way to meet people, especially those who have young children.

Nursery workers serve once a month for a period of 6 months (Jan-Jun). If you would like to be a part of the team, please contact Erin Lynn Gray via email: or by phone: 336-4729.

Friday, October 23, 2009

ACC/Beacon Hill Service Opportunities

With the launching of Beacon Hill, ACC is starting the process of collecting the supplies and materials needed for a housing project. In order to accommodate the incoming items, Eugene Black will be leading a cleaning party to reorganize one our church storage units. The group will be meeting in the rear of the church building on Monday evening, October 26th at 6pm. If you have any questions for Eugene, please call him at 444-3888.

Pastor Aaron is putting together a service prep team for our Sunday services. This team would be in charge of stage set-up for the weekend's worship band (equipment, microphone placement, etc.), preparation of the service playlist on the computer, and other various preparations. Individuals or groups would meet at the church on Friday afternoons (occasionally on Saturday) to get the stage and soundbooth ready for the worship services. If you are interested or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please email Aaron at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Men's Ministry at ACC, Fall Opportunities

Men's ministry at ACC is in full swing for the fall! Just this last weekend, over 40 men gathered together at Laverne Griffin Camp in the Wasilla for an amazing time of deepening personal connections, sharing struggles,and praying for each other (as well as having fun!).

If you're a guy at ACC and you're looking to connect with God and with other guys, you are invited to join with the men on Wednesday mornings at 6am for the Men's Prayer Breakfast. Also, on Wednesday night, October 21st, we kick off the our Men's bible study series "The Quest for Authentic Manhood". It's a well developed study that deals with issues men face and is a balance of teaching, small group discussions, and prayer. If you're not connected, or are looking for a Bible study with other guys, this is a very good thing to consider. We'll be in room 207 from 7-9. Contact Jim Lamson for more information:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Prayer Ministry Opportunities Expanded

Beginning Monday evening, November 9th, we are adding another evening weekly prayer meeting. This regular prayer meeting will start that evening at the Anchorage City Church 100th Ave. location, from 6:30pm until 8pm. The meeting will normally be in the upstairs Prayer Room. The Monday night group will have a focus of praying for the needs of the local church, its leaders and ministries. The meeting is open to anyone that wants to come and pray, and is led by ACC Prayer Ministry leader Lorraine O'Neal.

Alaska Intercessory Ministry, led by Pastor Paula Gray, continues on Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Crossroads Assembly of God Church on DeBarr Road. The Tuesday night group is Harp and Bowl style with musicians, praying and singing the Word. The meeting is open to people from all churches.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Beacon Hill Project Launches to Serve Anchorage Single Moms

The Beacon Hill project launched this week to serve Anchorage homeless single moms without housing. In a series of God-inspired moves, a benefactor made property with two large homes available at reduced cost to care for homeless and disadvantaged people in the community. KTUU Channel 2 in Anchorage covered this story on October 10, 2009.

The goals of the Beacon Hill project are to:
  • To provide safe, affordable housing for 4 homeless single mothers and their children
    (up to 32 beds) while they are stepping up from their current situation and
    stepping into self sufficiency.
  • To provide or connect necessary support services.
  • Most of all, to model and share the Good News, a life-transforming message of life and hope.
Listen to Charity Carmody, one of the project organizers, as she describes how it will work and how people in the City Church family can help make this possible. For more information on the project, or to volunteer or provide financial support, please visit the Beacon Hill website.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Divorce Care

DivorceCare has thirteen weeks of dynamic video seminars featuring 32 renowned experts on divorce and recovering. Some topics covered are: Facing my Anger, Forgiveness and What's Happening to me? The 13 week series will start Wednesday October 21 from 6:30-9:00pm, the cost is $20.

DivorceCare helps you recover from the pain of separation and divorce. There aren't many people around you who understand the pain your separation or divorce has caused you. That's the reason for DivorceCare. It's a special weekly support group and seminar conducted by people who understand what you are experiencing. Most importantly, you'll learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.

At DivorceCare, you will become part of a small group of people who are also experiencing separation and divorce. You'll meet others who understand wha you are feeling and who will be able to offer you encouragement. You'll have a chance to talk about the information presented during the DivorceCare seminar and hear what others think and feel.

Please feel free to contact Lori Rowley at 727.0543 or any additional information. Register online here >>>

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Genesis Addiction Recovery Class and Retreat, Presented by Dave Brock and Roger Schoeniger

8 week class begins Sunday October 18, 2010 at City Church - 2 PM

The class content is based on Michael Dye’s book and deals with the study and recovery of addictions and addictive behavior. It covers food addictions, relationships , drugs, sexual addictions, and a myriad of others. At the end of the course we have a retreat scheduled at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center. The content of the retreat is similar to the Hearing the Voice of God Workshop with some new material on breaking the power of addictions from Dale Sides.

The cost is 150.00 which includes two books, two dinners at the retreat center, and writing materials. The class is limited to 10 people. Their will be lots of hands on things. We have 5 people signed up and need 5 more.

Commitment required

Once the commitment is made the other person who you will be paired with will be depending on you. This takes some work and effort especially in attendance. This class is also effective for people who have spouses or children who are struggling with addictive behavior.

To sign up, please contact Dave Brock 727-8555 or email

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

H1N1 Virus Safety

As you have probably heard in the news, the Swine Flu has arrived in Alaska. More and more cases are being reported everyday. If you or a family member have a high temperature (over 100.4 F) and two or more of the following symptoms, you may have the Swine Flu. Unusual tiredness, headache, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, coughing or loss of appetite, aching muscles, chills, diarrhea or vomiting.

To help prevent the spread of this flu and to keep everyone as safe as possible, we ask that if you or a family member have the symptoms to not attend church until the symptoms have passed. The Center for Disease Control is now reporting that people who have had the Swine Flu are still contagious for up to 3-5 days after thier fever has broken.

To further help prevent the spread of this flu, we are placing hand sanitizers around the church. These are for your use. We will also be asking our children to use the hand sanitizer upon entrance to thier class.

Should you contract teh flu or become sick in any way, please let us know so we can put you on our prayer chain.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Please join us this Saturday, October 3 at 9:00 AM to help plant little trees around the borders of the City Church property. The trees will be needed as part of the zoning code for the preschool, and future improvements to our 100th avenue campus. Your help in planting them will be greatly appreciated!

Shovels and pick up trucks are needed. Please call Jim Lamson at 242-4617 to sign up and for more details on this project.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

City Church 2009 Men’s Retreat October 16th-18th

Guys, come for a great weekend of fun, food, fellowship, worship, prayer, personal ministry, teaching, discussions, and anointed messages from leaders at City Church. If you like to have fun, be encouraged, get refreshed, learn, and get connected to other men, this will be a great weekend.

FOCUS: Renewing and regaining GOD’S VISION in our lives, identifying BATTLES we face, the enemy’s strategies, insights into how we gain VICTORY, and developing individual BATTLE PLANS to walk out. The retreat will have a mixture of teaching, small group discussions, small group prayer, and free time to relax and connect. If there are some guys you’ve wanted to connect or hang out with, feel free to get together and fill up your own 6 or 8 person cabin.

COST: The cost is $100 and includes six meals, warm cabins, and use of dining, chapel, and Rec rooms. Payment can be made in advance at the information station or on line at City Church Website. You may also pay when you arrive. Contact Jim Lamson at 242-4617 about scholarships or if you’d like to fund one. If you can only come for part of the weekend, costs are less. Make checks to Anchorage City Church.

  • Friday check in starts at 4pm
  • Friday last car-pool group leaves ACC at 5:30pm
  • Friday dinner at Laverne Griffin Camp at 6:30pm
  • Friday night service 8:00ish
  • Sunday leave Camp after lunch and clean-up
FREE TIME ACTIVITIES may include pinochle, hiking, ping-pong, foosball, Frisbee golf, napping, fishing, canoeing, and other card and board games.

DIRECTIONS: Take the Glenn and Parks Highways through Wasilla and turn right on Pittman Rd which is about 6.5 miles past Wasilla. After about 1.3 miles, turn right on Beverly Lakes Rd (You’ll see Laverne Griffin sign) and proceed about 1.8 miles to Kalmbach Rd where the pavement ends. After a mile, the road curves to the right into Windy Bottom Rd. Proceed another 0.7 miles to the camp turnoff and you’re there

What to Bring: Most important is to bring a heart open for God to move in and testimonies to share. Most cabins have 3 bunk beds and sleep six and a bath house is close by. You’ll need to bring bedding, changes of clothes, coat/hat, toiletries, flashlight, towel, snacks, bible, paper, pen or pencil, musical instruments, and favorite games.

CARPOOLING: When you sign-up, please note if you’ll be meeting at church to car-pool and whether you are able to drive or not.

MAP TO THE CAMP: Here are the directions to the camp:

View Larger Map

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Church Fast Sept 21-27

We have a plan to call the church to fast several times each year. At this time we are asking members of Anchorage City Church to fast the week of Sept. 21-27.

We encourage all who can to join with us at the church each evening from 6-7 pm. Child care will be provided. We will break the fast after the noon service on Sunday with a Share-A-Dish soup & salad lunch.

Our prayer focus for this fast is wisdom and direction for outreach into our community; especially outreach to the poor and disenfranchised.

Our prayer points are these:
  1. Hear the voice of God
  2. Provision of the right leadership
  3. Provision of financial resources
  4. Solidifying program specifics
  5. Solution in resolving space issues
  6. Courage to be obedient to God's call
  7. Increase our faith
Here are more details on how and why to fast.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Men's Activities Heat Up for Fall

We're getting in gear for an eventful fall/winter/spring with Men's Events. We want to highlight three for you here. We'll have more info at the Men's Ministry booth at this coming weekend's services.
  • Mens Retreat: Oct 16th-18th at LaVerne Griffin Camp in Wasilla this year. Cost is $100 which includes all meals, snack, meeting rooms, and a warm dry place to sleep. You can sign up on line now at the City Church website. The theme will be regaining vision, facing the battles, and experiencing victory. Contact Jim Lamson at 242-4617 for more info or if you'd like to help with planning.
  • Men's Fraternity Bible Study on Wed nights 7ish to 9ish at ACC. We expect this to start 9/23. It's a systematic Bible study that focuses on issues very relevant to men. Other Anchorage churches have used it for years and men have found it very fruitful. If you'd like to help with planning this, feel free to join us next Wed, 9/16/ at ACC around 6:30pm. Call Jim Lamson 242-4617 or JD Fuller at 351-9154 if you'd like to join us then.
  • Men's Prayer Breakfast continues every Wednesday at ACC. Some of us meet to cook about 5:15am, we shoot to eat about 6am. After eating and sharing what God is saying and doing, we break into small groups for prayer 7ish. Just show up and use the mountain side "back" entrance of the City Church building.

Monday, September 07, 2009

The Marriage Course - September 26 @ ACC

Tune up your marriage with The Marriage Course, an eight-week class designed to help you and your spouse take your marriage to the next level. Whether your marriage is doing great or needs real help, this course is for you. Strong marriages will become stronger; marriages in trouble will find practical helps to break out of difficulties. The class starts at 7:00 PM on Saturday evening, September 26 and continues for the next seven Saturdays. The class is only $47.50 per person ($95 for a couple) and that includes dinner each evening. Childcare is available for $15 per child. The class meets at Anchorage City Church, 1301 W 100th Ave. You can find out more about the class on this website and register here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Improving the Sound in the ACC Auditorium

As you may know, we have contracted a professional company to assist us in areas of room acoustics and sound systems for this facility. The room that we hold our Sunday services in is, in fact, a gymnasium and the acoustics of the room create a unique set of problems for our music and our vocal reproduction (i.e. preaching). Because of our vision and our desire to have community involvement, we have chosen to have a facility that is multi-purpose/multi-use. While this benefits our church tremendously in many ways, one of the drawbacks is that we lose sound quality in our worship services.

One Friday August 14, we finally received a series of phases from the professional consultants that we can go through to improve the acoustics in the room as well as the sound system. Unfortunately, these things take time and (quite a bit!) of money. We believe that there are many other valuable ministry opportunities that we do NOT want to take money away from, just so we could have an "ideal" worship space. There are, however, some things we will be doing in the very near future.

If you would like to donate an offering (above and beyond tithe) towards the sound/acoustics budget, your donation would be most welcome. All in all, we would like to raise in the neighborhood of $100,000 for our lights, sound, video, and acoustic treatment for our worship facility.

In addition, Pastor Aaron has drafted up a "Worship Philosophy" statement that the elders are currently reviewing; it will be available to view online in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your grace and understanding in the matter!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Women's Fall Bible Study: 3 opportunities per week

ACC Women's Ministry is providing three Bible study opportunities this Fall starting in mid-September.

The study title for the fall semester is Anointed Transformed and Redeemed. At a Deeper Still conference, Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur explored their lives and the life of David. These three women represent three generations committed to God and His Word. You’ll laugh with them, cry with them and learn to love god with them. Each of the ladies will lead two weeks of this 6 week interactive, in-depth Bible study. You can expect sound teaching, opportunities to connect, fun and fellowship.

The study costs $20 for the workbook. You can register online on the ACC website.

Monday, August 10, 2009

New City Cafe

Put Someone Through School By Making Coffee
The New City Café is looking for experienced baristas that want to volunteer at the espresso shop, supporting the New Direction High School Completion program. We schedule workers as often as every other week, to once a month, for 2 hour shifts. Keep all tips made. Call Suzie at 344-2141 for more information!

Oikeo Music

Oikeo Music Presents – “Will Sing For Food!”
August 14th at the Wilda Marston Theatere at 7pm. Every year this benefit concert raises awareness and food for the City Church Food Shelf by Charging the public tickets plus canned food Items.
We love innovative ways of bringing community together with our musicians and songwriters and we are in hopes that this concert will grow in popularity among our city dwellers. It's a great way to say thank you to the City Church Food Shelf and learn about what they are doing to keep our city healthy and alive!! Check out

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Alaskan Christmas Bazaar @ ACC November 7

The Alaskan Christmas Bazaar is coming soon at ACC. The 7th annual bazaar scheduled for November 7, 2009 from 9 AM to 4 PM is a great place to pick up Alaska themed gifts for Christmas and other occasions.

The 2009 Bazaar will benefit Mom's Club, an important learning, encouraging, and connecting place for Anchorage moms.

Check out this Anchorage Christmas Bazaar on their website.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Windwalkers International Presents Reclaiming the Land

Windwalkers has arranged for Cindy McGill, founder of Hope for the Harvest Ministries in Salt Lake City to come to Anchorage on Friday August 7 and Saturday August 8. Registration is required and costs $25. A generous love offering is requested. The event will be at Anchorage City Church starting at 9 AM both days (8 AM registration). You can find out more information on here.

This will be followed by the Alaska Jubilee Festival September 24-26 at the Delaney Park Strip where all the churches of Anchorage are invited under a 6,000 sq. ft. tent. The vision of this festival is to invite the Body of Christ to "sow seed into the harvest by participating through prayer, time, talent, and/or finances. It is an opportunity to come together in unity and lbess our city and those less fortunate." You can read more about the festival here.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Space still available for registrations, don't wait any longer. Register Now!

WE ARE CLOSE TO CAPACITY, soooo REGISTER NOW! You can register by calling Suzie at the Church Office 907.344.2141. please note that Online Registration is no longer available, but you can still pay with a Visa/Master Card and get the latest information by calling Suzie.

City Church Camp will be held at the LaVerne Griffin Camp in Wasilla 4495 W. Little Cloud Dr., Wasilla, AK 99654 (see directions below)on July 17th - 19th.

We will be having men's' workshops, women's' workshops, activities for all ages, canoes, archery, and lots more. You can bring your ATV's, you can bring your craft project to finish on our craft workshop, and whatever else you would like to do.

JUST DO IT!<span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_12">ACS</span> Web Mail


1.Turn right at E 6th Ave/AK-1 Continue to follow AK-1 for 34.3 miles
2.Continue straight onto AK-3/E Parks Hwy (signs for AK-3/Wasilla) for 14.4 miles
3.Turn right at N Pittman Rd (you will see a Tesoro Gas station on the left corner)for 1.2 miles
4.Turn Right on W.Beverly Lake Rd for 3.0 miles to Camp

Friday, June 19, 2009

Men's Night Out: Monday June 29

Calling all guys, teens and up: You're invited to our June 29th Men's Night Out from 6pm to 9pm at ACC.

Join us for a dinner and a great time of food, fellowship, sharing, prayer, and discussion on "Why Men Need Wisdom". We'll be sharing our own stories, video clips of dumb things guys do, and look at God's Word on Wisdom. Cost is $5.

Sign up at the information desk or by calling Jim Lamson at 242-4617.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Thank God It's Thursday

Join us Thursday nights at 6 PM for food, worship, fellowship and teaching. This coming Thursday night (June 11) the share-a-dish theme is "Italian". People whose last names start with the letters A-M should bring a main dish, N-R a salad or bread, and S-Z desserts.

The food theme schedule is: June 18 - Mexican, June 25 - Seafood, July 2 - Soup & Salad, July 9 BBQ.

Our three groups are: 1) Chasing Daylight, a video Bible study about making the most of our time, 2) Parenting Teens, and 3) Theology

Monday, May 25, 2009

Can You Say "Gracias"?

Next time you sit on one of the brown chairs in the ACC auditorium, you might want to say gracias for the work organized by Kelvin & Sofia Davis and Victor & Carmen Romero along with family and friends, and AZ Suarez from the church staff. These Spanish-speaking members of our City Church family spent most of the day on Memorial Day cleaning and shampooing over 650 chairs!

The day was perfect: lots of sun with a bit of breeze. The crew had set up an assembly line: spot removal and general cleaning, followed by shampoo and then vaccuum removal of the water. Kelvin showed off some of the water coming out of the vacuum: it was time for a clean!

Gracias, amigos!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

All Guys Retreat

Guys, mark your calendar for June 12-14 at Lamson's cabin in Willow. Fun swimming, fishing, canoeing, horseshoeing, frisbee golf, raft trip, games, fellowship. More info to follow in later bulletins. Call Jim Lamson at 242-4617 with questions.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sound Levels in the Auditorium During Worship: Too hot? Too low?

Sound level in the auditorium during church services has recently been a big topic of discussion among staff. Church staff hear both “the music is too loud” and “I can’t hear the singers”…. often during a single church service. It’s counterintuitive, but sound level is only one issue. Another is the “hard box” nature of the auditorium walls and floor which reflect the sound and makes it harsh. We have hired a consulting firm with substantial church experience to help us improve how the audio sounds and to help us plan for other audio and video improvements. When we get their recommendations in a few weeks, we will begin implementing them and we expect this will improve the overall listening experience for everyone.

Friday, May 01, 2009

National Day of Prayer May 7

When: May 7 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Where: City Church (Minnesota and 100th). We plan to pray on the lawn in front of the church, weather permitting. If the weather is terrible, we can pray in the auditorium. You can bring lawn chairs if it is difficult to stand while you pray.
What to bring: Bring your banners, voices, prayers, scriptures to pray and proclaim
Who: Everyone is invited, not just for City Church members; the entire body of Christ is welcome. This is a time of prayer… not a time of fellowship
How: Prayer Guidelines are available on the National Day of Prayer Website
Please note… this is a time to pray for our churches, city, state and nation… we encourage those who come to pray the Word for these areas. This is not a time for personal ministry or prayers for individual requests.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Women's Luncheon May 30

  • Fabulous Cuisine
  • Door Prizes
  • Special Speaker

That's the lineup for the Anchorage City Church Women's Luncheon scheduled for 11 AM on Saturday, May 30th!

This is an outreach luncheon. Pray and ask the Lord who you should invite. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online. It will also be possible soon to purchase them at church services.

If you can help put on this luncheon, please contact Janice Ridgeway or Pam Schoeniger 344.2141. Help is needed in these ways:

  • Preparing the food the day before
  • Arriving early and helping in the kitchen before the event begins
  • Helping in the kitchen during the event
  • Decorate a table (and receive a free guest ticket)
  • Sell tickets before and after the weekend church services
  • Setup and decorating
  • Tear down and clean up
  • Registration team at the event
  • Welcome team
  • Donate a door prize
  • Complete craft projects prior to the luncheon for giveaways
  • Decorating planning meeting: Wednesday, April 29 7pm @ ACC
  • Menu and food preparation planning meeting: Monday, May 4, 7 PM @ ACC

Friday, April 24, 2009


Register Now! City Church Camp will be held at the LaVerne Griffin Camp 4495 W. Little Cloud Dr., Wasilla, AK 99654 (map) on July 17th - 19th.

This is an exciting time to get out of the city and hang out with friends, from the youngest to the oldest, everyone is welcome. We will be having mens' workshops, womens' workshops, children's activities, BBQ's, activities for all ages, canoes, you can bring your craft project to finish on our craft workshop, archery, fishing and lots more.

WE ARE CLOSE TO CAPACITY, soooo REGISTER NOW! You can register by calling Suzie at the Church Office 907.344.2141. please note that Online Registration is no longer available, but you can still pay with a Visa/Master Card and get the latest information by calling Suzie.


1.From Anchorage, Turn right at E 6th Ave/AK-1 Continue to follow AK-1 for 34.3 miles
2.Continue straight onto AK-3/E Parks Hwy (signs for AK-3/Wasilla) for 14.4 miles
3.Turn right at N Pittman Rd (you will see a Tesoro Gas station on the left corner)for 1.2 miles
4.Turn Right on W.Beverly Lake Rd for 3.0 miles to Camp

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bike Blessing 2009 May 2nd!

The Bike Blessing starts Saturday, May 2nd @ 10 AM at the Park Strip in downtown Anchorage (at the Veterans Memorial). For more information about this event call A.Z. @ 344-2141 ext 24 during the work week. Download the poster here.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Family Fair at ACC on April 18 from 11-2

Please join us for the Week of the Young Child Family Fair on Saturday, April 18, 2009 at Anchorage City Church from 11 AM - 2 PM. Free family-centered, hands-on activities including sensory play, literacy, science, gross motor and art activities, and more.

The Family Fair is a project of the Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt Huge Success

An evangelically themed Easter egg hunt brought hundreds of children and adults to the ACC campus on Saturday, April 11 at 1 PM. Childrens workers handed out over 430 egg collection bags. The parking lot was entirely full and people were parking all the way to the Minnesota Drive access roads.

The Easter egg "scavenger hunt" was designed by the ACC Children's Ministry Board for fun and to give some simple Gospel messages....and an invitation to celebrate Easter tomorrow at City Church.

Here are some more pictures from the day's fun:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

City Church Directory Update

A couple of times each year we print out a roster of church family names and contact information so we can keep in touch with each other. It's that time again!

Life Information SurveyThe way you get into the directory is by filling out of one our Life Information Surveys. The first page is one-per-family. Everyone can fit on it. The second "supplemental information" page is for each adult in the family so we can know more about your life experience, gifts, abilities and interests.

You can find the Life Information Forms at the Information Counter or online here.

If you are already in the directory, no need to fill it out again unless there are family changes (e.g. new family members, changed contact information, etc).

Join us for Easter on April 12 -- three services

You can find hope again!

These are trying days, full of rising costs, falling stocks, and international uncertainty. The world is so full of grim headlines that it is hard to believe, or even hope, for good news. But at Anchorage City Church we have faith in a bright future that is not dependent on federal bailouts or mutual funds. It's a future founded on something more solid and enduring than governments or finances.

Join us this Easter and find the hope that never fails.

Easter Service Times
9:30 AM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM

Good Friday Service
7:00 PM
More information: 344-2141 during office hours

Friday, March 06, 2009

371 in Small Groups and Classes

Hundreds of ACC'ers and others not yet part of our church are taking part in our Small Groups and Classes this winter. ACC Small Group Coordinator Erik Liebenthal recently asked leaders for a count and tallied a total of 371.

That total counts a few people two or even three times, but whether the real number is 371 or 329 or 296, it's clear that many of us are now participating in groups!

Not in a small group yet? There are many to choose from, and most of the groups are still accepting new members. You can find small group catalogs in the foyer on the east wall. Or, you can download it here.

Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday

Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 8 at 2 AM this year. DST began in early April for many years, but were changed in 2007.

"Spring forward" to be on time for church meetings!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Join Us March 15 in Blessing Mayor Claman

Please join us on Sunday March 15 in blessing Anchorage Mayor Matt Claman. The mayor and his wife will be with us during the 9:30 AM service.

We will pray for the Mayor and his family and present him with a plaque, and flowers for his wife and some small gifts for their children.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Focus on Marriage Simulcast Still Available

More than 75% of the 400 available spaces for the Focus on Marriage simulcast at ACC this weekend (February 28) have been sold. Tickets will continue to be available until the simulcast begins or tickets run out, whichever comes first.

Tickets are $69 for a couple and can be purchased online on the Anchorage City Church website.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2008 End of year report

Our 2008 report is finished and ready for you to pick up at the church information counter. If you would like to see it right now, you can download it from the church website.

This is an eight-page report that covers much of what your church has been doing in 2008.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

10 AM Service Time Moved to 9:30 AM

Effective with Sunday, February 15, the 10 AM service time has been moved back to 9:30 AM. The noon service is unchanged.

ACC elders made the change because of the short time available between services for prayer ministry and fellowship. And with the larger attendance of recent months, more time is needed for exchange of church family.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday Church Closure

Due to the weather & road conditions, all City Church's evening functions and groups will be canceled, including Youth Group. The administrative offices will remain open until 5pm as usual.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Spiritual Life Survey

Anchorage City Church is taking part in the "Spiritual Life Survey" which will help church leaders learn important details on what helps us grow spiritually and what hinders it.

The anonymous survey is available only via the web. No name or email information is collected during the survey, and the results will only be available to the church as an aggregate of responses.

The survey is open to us from January 10th through late January. Results will be available about a month after the survey closes. We will share key findings from the survey with the congregation.

Each Sunday during the survey, we will provide information on how to access the survey. It takes 30-45 minutes for each person. We will also be emailing everyone who is part of our church with access information. We are encouraging everyone who calls Anchorage City Church home to take the survey.

Please help with this important mechanism for helping us design a spiritual growth strategy that fits us!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Angela Thomas: Do You Think I'm Beautiful

Angela Thomas is back again for a 9:30 AM - 3 PM live seminar for women on Saturday January 10 in the ACC auditorium (1301 W. 100th Ave). Tickets are $35 and lunch is included. Contact Ann @ 632-4104 or ACC at 344-2141 for additional information. You can register online on the City Church website.

Angela Thomas is a single mother of four, a dynamic speaker and bestselling author of 10 books and Bible studies including the best-selling book, "Do You Think I'm Beautiful?".

Speaking from her own brokenness and God's great love, Angela motivates us all to live faithful, passionate lives. She teaches at more than 50 events each year, where women all around the world are drawn to her warmth, wit and vulnerability. For more information on Angela visit her website.

Ms. Thomas will also be presenting a special program
titled Wild About You on Friday, January 9th, 2009 at 7:00 pm for junior and senior high girls. The cost is $5.00. Pre-registration is not required but is an option. You can register on the Anchorage City Church website.